Chapter 62

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Charlotte's POV

Once Liam had left for America, my life turned mostly normal. My day's routine went from being stalked by the paparazzi to school and hanging out with friends. Charlie had apologized for kissing me. He said that even though he didn't regret doing it, he knew it was wrong. I had forgiven him, but things were still kind of awkward.

Marisa and I were in the same situation. Our rock star boyfriends were thousands of miles away touring. It wasn't a situation we would have thought we'd find ourselves in, but then again the whole first five months in London were nothing like I had expected either.

November drew to a close and December started up. Over the month and a half time span, I learned one major thing: Having a long distance relationship sucks. Sure you can Skype and text and stuff, but it doesn't replace actually spending time with the person. The natural feeling of want and need is unable to be quenched by phone calls and IM. Sure, we were fine and our relationships remained strong, but that was beside the point. Only a week after Liam and I made up, the boys left for America. They had been gone for the last few weeks of November. They were scheduled to be away all of December and January and the first week of February. That was a long time.

Before I knew it, finals ended and it was time to go home.

I was standing in the airport security line with Marisa behind me. We were going home.

"Can you believe this," Marisa leaned closer to me so that no one could over hear our conversation. She pointed to the giggling sisters standing in front of us.

I chuckled, "Things sure have changed since I stepped off that airplane to come to school." Five months had changed everything.

After going through security, Marisa and I went to grab breakfast before heading our separate ways.

"Tell Zayn hi," she said weakly. I could see the sorrow in her eyes.

She was heading home and so was I, but I had a pit stop in NYC to meet up with the boys for a red carpet. Liam had actually sent a formal invitation to the premier of the new Hunger Games movie. I was super excited, but mostly I was just excited to see him.

"I will. Have fun at home," I gave her a giant hug. "I'll see you when we get back."

With a few more sappy words, we said goodbye. We were going to be separated for three weeks, not three years or whatever.

I found my gate and checked in with the lady at the gate.

"Charlotte McDermott?" the lady peaked over the tops of her glasses.

I nodded, "Yes?"

"Here," she put my ticket in the trash and handed me a new one. I looked at the sticky note on it.

Love, Liam. It read.

The ticket was first class. I had been booked in coach. That boy... Thanks to Liam, I boarded my plane first, preparing myself for the long flight ahead of me.


The flight home wasn't nearly as entertaining as the flight to London, probably because I was lacking the presence of five particular boys. When the plane touched down on the runway, I grabbed for my phone checking for a text from Liam.

A World of Differences [1DFF]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz