Picking Sides

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French Quarter Compound

Lizzie's POV

"Why choose a man who pines after a wolf behind your back?"

I don't remember how long I've been sitting at my vanity, staring at my own reflection. The words Marcellus said stung like an angered wasp. Although he wasn't the first to warn me.

Celeste's words slither into my memory. "Either way, you will always be second best in Elijah's heart. Even now, after all these years. Of all people, a pregnant wolf is stealing him away."

Elizabeth, you fool. You've seen it all along. You just didn't want to admit it to yourself. The looks he gives when he believed no one was watching. That same look of longing that I myself had when I watched Elijah with Celeste or when he went on his many one night stands with Katerina.

Yet....I can't help, but to ask myself one question. 


Why waste the time to marry me at all? 

Why make me fall deeply in love with him and sacrifice a life I could of had if he had not shown any romantic intention? 

I open up the middle drawer of my vanity and pull out the last picture of Victor and I. "You were the only one who truly seemed to love me." A sad scoff penetrates the air from my lips. "You were right. I was a fool to let him in again. You seen it before I did." Small tears trail down my cheeks. "Oh, Victor! If only you were here. You always knew what to say." My cries vocalize and I place my head down on my vanity table, sobbing into my arms. 

A pair of small arms wrap around me and I look up to find Lucia looking back at me with her own tears. "I miss him too, Mom."

After looking into the sad eyes of my daughter, I realized that I needed to start protecting the family I created. There was a war coming, and if I wanted them safe.....

....I have to send them away. No one else I loved was to pay the price of a loyalty I sworn long ago.

An hour later, my inner circle was gathered in my room.

"This is the hardest thing that I had to do in 100 years. You are my personal creations. Most importantly, you are my family." A deep sigh makes its way from my lips as I continued. "There is a war upon us of all factions in this city. A lot of blood will be shed and it would break my heart if it was to be any of yours. So, with a heavy heart, I ask of all of you to leave this city until your safety is guaranteed."

"Mom, no! We can't leave you!" Lucia argues, but I shake my head.

"My dear child. I want nothing more than to have you here, but I will not watch anyone else die. So, please. I'm begging you...." Those last words were met with a tremble in my voice as my calm demeanor cracked, revealing the disparity in me. "Don't make me lose anyone else."

The room went quiet, then a booming voice spoke from the silence. "You heard the boss, pack your bags. I know just the place to hole off for a bit. Just until this all blows over." I send Dino a grateful smile and catch him before he follows the others out of the room.

"I owe you, Dino."

"No, Crazy Broad, I owe you my life."

"Take care of them for me. You're in charge now. Please, keep in touch."

"Every day, Mama Liz." He promised, before embracing me quickly, then leaving the room to pack.

Later that night, I sat in a chair in the study reading. Elijah comes in with a book in one hand and a drink in the other. Once he spots me, he gives a small smile. "Darling, I figured you have retired for the night." 

"And I figured you would be home long before now." I close my book and sit it upon my lap before I look up at him. "Looks like we were both surprised. Then, again, the Bayou has seemed to become your second home as of late."

His brows furrow in confusion. "Have I done something to upset you, My Dear? I do beg your forgiveness for my tardiness, but the was an emergency in the Bayou. I could not just leave them in harms way."

"I know all about the bombings, and your tardiness is the least of my concerns. This war is truly starting. I just had to send away the last of my family to keep them out of harms way." I look at the book in his hand and raise a brow. "What are you doing with your mother's grimoire?"

"I've made my decision on where I stand." He says as he moves to look out the window.

An involuntary scoff leaves me. "That's a first."

 His hand freezes just as he was about to drink from the surprise of my comment. "I beg your pardon?"

"Nothing, Elijah."

"Elizabeth...." His words were cut off by his brother as he walked in. Of all the moments Niklaus has ruined with his presence, I was thankful of this one.

"First Marcel's massacre, now bombs in the bayou. I'll assume you're ready to give up this doomed treaty." Niklaus asked as he sat down at the desk.

Elijah walks over to him. "This alliance with the wolves, well, if it is to succeed, I believe you'll want this." He places Esther's grimoire down on the desk. 

"Seems I have Hayley to thank for your change of heart." Niklaus sneers arrogantly. 

 Elijah pours them drinks. "The rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined, Niklaus. These tribes, these factions--they're families. Families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home, and if I'm to choose a side..." He hands Klaus a drink, and holds his out to toast them. "To our victory, Brother." The brothers clink their glasses and drink.

A long silent pause fills the room as I think everything through before I speak. "You said this war was about family." The Mikaelson brothers look at me as I approach. "Last time I checked, I am a Mikaelson too."

"Lizzie, you don't have to..." 

"Yes I do, Nikki." I let out a sigh before I continue. "When I helped rebuild, this was not how I pictured our lives to be. This is my family. I will protect it with my life. This is my choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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