The Ghost Of You Part 2

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I make myself known and Elijah freezes at my voice. "If this is a family matter, I think it's time for a family reunion."

Elizabeth's POV

For a moment we just stand and look at each other. My heart felt like it was one pound away from breaking free of my chest. The whole room went quiet. Tears formed in Elijah's eyes and only a horse whisper escaped from his pale smooth lips. "E-Elizabeth? Is it really you?"

My first instinct was to run into his arms and never let go, but then the anger and betrayal returned and I remind myself of how much I can't stand him. Apparently my face shown my anger because Elijah's eyes filled with guilt and regret.

I looked away from him to Niklaus who is eyeing me cautiously. "It's time we made an official plan for the demise of the New Orleans witches. They have made their bed. Time for them to lie in it."

Even though I'm clearly ignoring him, Elijah still attempts to speak to me. "Elizabeth, perhaps after our meeting we could talk. Give me a chance to explain myself...."

A growl sounds from my throat and I speak to Niklaus. "Tell your sanctimonious big brother that he had 100 years worth of chances. Now, can we please return to our family discussion on revenge?" Elijah immediately went quiet and stayed that way for the rest of the night as we planned for war.

Before I left, I gave one last look to Elijah. Of course I missed him, and I still love him, but he left me to die. That's a wound that will take serious time to heal.

~The Next Morning~
Elijah's POV

The sunlight hits my face to wake me to a new day, but, at the moment, I wish I didn't wake. I groggily throw back my covers and arise in my bed. It only takes me a few seconds to remind myself of the events of the night before.

My wife...Elizabeth...she is actually alive. I place my head in my hands. How could I not think of the possibility she faked her death? How could I be so ignorant to the intelligence of my own wife?

Shaking my head, I get up and walk over to my closet. I search through my endless supply of suits and come across one that is decent enough. "I guess this will do."

As I pick up the suit, something catches my eye in the corner of the floor. I crouch down and swipe up the small object and look at it closely.

It was a golden comb with diamonds in the design. I recognized it right away. This was the hair comb that I gave Elizabeth on her 21st birthday. She lost it long ago when her father kicked her out of the home. I stand and take it over to my dresser, placing it on the top.

I look in the mirror above it. What are you going to do, Elijah? With a deep sigh, I get dressed. I remember my promise to the young witch and grab mother's spell book from my bookshelf.

Once downstairs, I find a young woman sitting quietly next to Niklaus. "Ah! Big brother! I've brought you a gift of peace! I'm sure you're hungry after your little nap."

It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes. "Niklaus, if you really want to make peace, you must show true change. A brother worth forgiving. Make that change and I'll consider peace, but not this way."

Niklaus huffs like a child. "Fine, more for me." As he begins feeding, I put on some classical music and sit in an arm chair looking for the spell I will give to Davina.

After his feast, Niklaus begins to read something as well when Rebekah comes into the room. "So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family? Vampire book club?"

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