Chapter 10

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I wanted to thank lukecountrygirl for the new cover of the book! It is amazing! Y'all go follow and read her books!!

"It's good to be home." I sigh putting the last of my bags down. "Yeah" Luke walks in shortly after wrapping his arms around my waist. He kisses my head, "I missed you being here with me." I turn around in his arms, "I missed being here." He bends down attaching his lips to mine softly. "You know how hard it was not being about to kiss you or touch you." He mumbles against my lips. I smile, "I know." He opens his mouth to say something, but stops with the sound of my phone going off. I sigh untangling myself from Luke, and pulling it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey, Did y'all make it home okay?" My mothers voice rings as I sit down on the couch. "Yeah. Just got here" I say sticking my tongue out at Luke. He copies my face. "Just wait till you get off the phone." He mouths. I giggle. "Are you still there" Mama ask. "Yeah, just handling Luke." I laugh. "Oh okay. We'll tell him I said Hey. I guess I'll leave you alone. I love y'all." She coughs into the phone. "Mom you okay? That colds getcha don't it?" My Georgia accent coming out thick. "Yes sweetie. Now go spend sometime with Luke and call me later." She shushes me. "Okay I love y'all. Talk to ya later. Bye. " As soon as I hang up I'm tackle to the couch. Luke starts tickling me. "Stop Luke Please" I laugh. "Nope." He replies simply. I smile as a idea pops into my head. I lean up pressing my lips to his. He soon releases me bringing his hands down to my hips rubbing circles with his thumbs softly. 'Yes it finally worked!' I think to myself. I finally pull away and he groans. I giggle at him and peck his lips once more. He gets up from the couch letting me up. I check my phone seeing that the time is 3. I gasp, "Oh I have to be a Tito's Pizza at 3:30 for work." I grab the key to my jeep off the table. "What?! You just got here. You can't go back to work right away." He points out his face going from sincere to sad/annoyed in 2.5 seconds. "But baby, I really need this job. I mean your not always going to be here to give me what I need. BK talked to Tito and told him I would be back to work today." I stress. "I may be on the road, but that doesn't mean you won't have any money." He huffs. "I know. I just feel like I'm using you when I take your money." I blurt out as I plop myself back down on the couch. It's just something that really bothers me. I look up at him and his eyes soften. "Baby, I know your not using me. Is this about what those girls said on twitter?" He puts his finger under my chin lifting it up. I nod slowly. To make a long story short some girls on twitter twitted me and said that I was only with Luke for his money and was using him. Ever since then I haven't let Luke buy me anything or give me money. "Sweetie? Did you hear me?" He ask bringing out of my thoughts. "What" I come back to reality. "I said that I love you" He smiles. "I love you too. " I lean up and peck his lips. I sigh, "fine I won't go back to work. Let me call Tito and tell him" I take out my phone dialing the number.
"What did he say?" Luke ask sitting down with me on the couch. "He said that I could have my job anytime I wanted. It was always open." I smile. "Great" He says sliding his arm over my shoulder grabbing the remote turning on the TV. I lean my head on his chest. He strokes my hair. I feel myself drifting. I know I sleep a lot. "Babe?" Luke kisses my head. "Yes?" I look up at him coming out of my sleepy state. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the ACM's this year?" He smiles. I jump up causing Luke to wince when I elbow him in the stomach. "Sorry" I apologize. He chuckles, "Well?" "Yes I'll go with you!" I yell happily. I grab his face and bring it to mine kissing him. I break the kiss and sit back down. Once again I feel myself drifting. Pretty soon I shut my eyes.
"Baby doll? Baby? Wake up." Luke shakes me awake. I open my eyes and smile at him. "What time is it?" I ask. "Um.." He looks at his phone. "5 o'clock" "Oh why did you let me fall asleep?" I ask. "Because you just look so peaceful, beautiful, adorable, gorgeous, and well do you need me to continue?" He questions. I shake my head,"Nope, that's enough." "So what do you want to do?" I ask. "Well we can always go look for a dress for the ACM's since there coming up?" He points out. "Are you sure? I mean they can get really expensive." I say. "Ugh.. With this again. Stop saying I shouldn't buy you things and that stuff is to expensive. You are my girlfriend and I will buy you whatever I please. I don't care what them girls say. If they don't like my girl then they ain't really team Luke." He finishes his rant sighing heavily. I nod, "Okay fine. Let's go then" I grab his hand.
We pull into the local mall getting out and heading inside. "So where are we going?" I ask looking up at Luke. "We could go to David's Bridal to see what they have." He looks down at me. "Yeah, that's sounds great!" I nod and smile rapidly. He grabs my hand pulling me toward the dress shop. As soon as we walk inside Luke gets recognized. "Oh my gosh! Your Luke Bryan!" A girl around 16 with deep brown almost black hair and brown eyes says. She has a name tag on that says Jessie on it so I'm guessing she works here. Luke smiles at her and nods. "Can we please get a picture?" She ask. "Of course" Luke says simply. She looks over at me and smiles real big, "and your the famous Memphis Kelley! BK cousin and Luke's girlfriend!" She yells happily. "Yep!" I smile. "You can be in the picture too!" She pulls me toward her taking her phone out of her pocket. She snaps a quick picture and puts it away. "So what can I help y'all with today?" She ask. "Well we have an award show coming up and I was wondering if we might could find a dress here." Luke looks around slightly. "Well what specifically are you looking for?" She looks over at me. "Well I want something simple, but elegant. Oh and nothing to flashy." I look over at Luke. "What's wrong with flashy?" He smirks. "Luke I don't want my boobs hanging out or my butt falling out of the dress." I giggle at him. "Okay. I think I have just the right dress." She points us toward the back. We follow her until she brings us to this beautiful baby blue knee length dress. It has a few diamonds and is half sleeve. "So what do you think?" She wonders. "I love it!" I admire its beauty. "What about you?" She ask Luke. I look over at him, "I think my baby will look breath-taking in that." He leans over kissing my cheek. "Okay so what size?" She rambles through the dresses. "Um... A seven" I think carefully. She nods rambling some more. After about 2 or 3 minutes of looking she finally holds it up. "The dressing rooms are right this way." She grabs my wrist. I take the dress from her going into the dressing room. I take my clothes off and slide the dress over my head fixing it when it falls to my knees. I love it so much. I walk out to find Luke waiting on me looking at the wedding dress. I frown and clear my throat, "what do you think?" I ask. He turns around and looks at me lovingly, "You look breath-taking, stunning, just beautiful." He admires me from head to toe. I feel my cheeks burn as they turn a light shade of pink. "Thanks" I mumble. "So do you want it?" He looks at me. "Yes. How much is it?" I grab the price tag seeing that it's $500. "I don't care. If you love it your getting it." He states sending me back into the dressing room. I change back into my original clothes, which by the way is a Georgia t-shirt, blue jeans, and my tony lamas. I walk out and Luke grabs my hand. We walk up to the counter and pay Jessie. "It was nice meeting you Jessie." I smile. "You too! Thanks for taking the picture!" She says happily. "Your welcome! No problem!" I say as we walk out of the store. "Luke I need to go to the bathroom." I say. He nods. When I'm done doing my business I walk and Luke is taking some more pictures with people. I actually don't mind. I mean I think it's really nice of Luke. I walk up behind him and slide my hand into his. "You ready?" I wonder out loud. "Yeah" He pulls me toward the truck. "Luke when does tour start?" I ask sliding onto the middle sit. "2 weeks! I can't wait!" He smirks. "Me either!" I yell. I once again grab Luke's hand holding it. I guess we'll see what tour has in store.

Hello my lovelies!! I hope y'all like this!! It's actually a little longer. Thought I would do that for y'all at least. I'm so sorry that it takes me a while to write. I just been busy with testing. Again I would like to think lukecountrygirl for the new cover! Thanks so much! Y'all comment! I love when y'all do and don't be afraid to ask me questions. Y'all also vote thanks so much!! Bye!!😘😘😘

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