Chapter 26

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•PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the author's note at the end. it will be greatly appreciated. :)•
•also peeps their maybe some confusion, but the wedding is going to be a the river they had their first date, and reception will be at the barn. Im going to edit the book real soon, and fix all the problems. I promise.•

•A thousand years -Christina Perri
•Can't help falling in Love -Elvis Presley (Elvis the Pelvis :) i love that man. that is all.)

"So, tomorrows the big day! How are you guys feeling!" My mom asked Luke and I. We were at our rehearsal dinner. Seeing that we didn't plan on having a bachelor/bachelorette party we planned the dinner a little later, but Carter and Maddie had other plans.

So here we are rushing to get through our rehearsal dinner so Michael and Maddie can have their way. "Honestly mom, I can't wait to be his wife." I admire Luke lovingly as he places a kiss against my hair. "Aw, I was always rooting for you guys." She said causing me to blush, "You know Memphis you remember that time we had that German Shepard puppy, and you wanted so bad to name it Luke?" She laughed. I roll my eyes and put my head in my hand, "Mom, come on," I groaned, "Please don't bring that up." Okay so I was that much in love with Luke, people. "Wait, babe, What's she talking about?" He asked curiously, "You named a dog after me?" He placed a kiss on the side of my forehead. "No, I ended up naming him Knox. Luke was to formal and weird." I confirm, which earns an eyeroll. "You're weird." He countered and this time I roll my eyes. "And you are too. Therefore we are perfect for each other, Mister." He laughed placing another soft kiss to my hair. One More Day.

"So where are we going?" I asked the girls as they pick me up from Luke's house. "Downtown Nash! Where else do you think?!" My best friend Autumn yelled. "Let's get this party started!!" Lulu smiled.

  By nine o'clock the girls were hammered me on the other hand hadn't had but maybe two. I had never been much of a drinker.

"Hey girls! Guess what I got Memphis!" Autumn grinned at us as we walk down the street towards Tootsies bar. It was a legendary place so many great artist got their final break from there.

"What?" We all asked. I honestly had a feeling I knew what she was going to say.

"A male stripper!" She giggled but I wasn't laughing. She sensed that, and looked at me confused.

"What? You don't want him. I was just trying to be nice."

"No, thank you. I just don't know how Luke would feel about it. I mean I've been cheated on, and I don't want him to feel the same way."

"Oh no, I understand." She said, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. We'll figure something out." I smile. We finally make it to Tootsies and head inside. I absolutely loved this place. Some of the greatest artist had played here.

"Girls lets get this going!" Autumn grinned clapping her hands like a madwoman. We were going to regret this in the morning.


          "Sweetheart!! Get up its your wedding day!" My mom yells from downstairs in mine and Luke's room. Luke decided to go to Brian's to get ready that way we wouldn't see each other. To say that I was nervous was an understatement. What if Luke changed his mind. What if he decided he didn't love me anymore. Who am I kidding? Luke loves me. I love him. The love we have for each other has always kind of been there even when I was younger. I groan finally rolling out of bed. I always hated getting up early. "Coming, Mom!" I put on a blue button down and black leggings. My hair appointment was in thirty minutes, but luckily it is just down the road. I slip on my blue crocs and grab my make up bag. Boy was I ready for this day.

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