Chapter 6 (birthday special)

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Chapter 6: Birthday Special

I wake up turning over to a sleeping Luke. "Get up birthday boy" I yell jumping on him straddling his waist kissing his lips. "Mmmmhhhhh" he mumbles kissing back. "Come on get up" I laugh. "Just five more minutes baby" he whines. "I guess you can't have anymore kisses" I say starting to get off of him. He grabs me and brings my lips back down to his. "I'm up" he smiles. I giggle at him and jump up going into the bathroom. "Baby?" I yell. "Yeah sweetheart" he yells. (Mama and daddy are back for Luke's birthday. Daddy is gonna take him fishing so I can get the party set. Oh yeah, I met Luke's parents a couple weeks ago. They were awesome. I think it went pretty well. I'm inviting them tonight, but he doesn't know.) "Daddy wants to go fishing today with you for a little while." I say brushing my teeth. I thought we would spend the day together?" He ask. "Well daddy wants some time to talk to you so just go. Please." I beg coming out of the bathroom poking my lip out. "Ugghh. You know I can't resist the pout" he sighs walking over to kiss my lips. "Breakfast" I ask. "Please" he says. I kiss his cheek walking down the stairs. I mix up the pancake mix and start them. "Mmm. That smells amazing honey" he says siting at the table. "Thanks. I learned from the best. My grandma taught me how to cook them" I say putting his plate in front of him. We say the blessing. "Wow these are awesome!" He smiles taking a big bite. "Thanks babe" I smile. "That reminds me I need to call my grandma" I say going up stairs getting my phone. I run back downstairs and sit on the couch with Luke. "Let's call my grandma and let you talk to her. She is a huge fan" I smile putting the phone on speaker.
Granny: hello?
Me: hey! Watchadoin
Granny: Nm just sittin around with mama
Me: oh okay well I have someone I want you to talk to.
Granny: alright?
Luke: hey miss Diane
Granny: hey Luke, Memphis has told me a lot about you.
Luke: well I hope it's good
Granny: trust me it is. She loves you Luke. Don't mess it up.
Luke: I won't. I love her too much!
Granny: I'm glad to here that
Me: how's granny Blanche
Granny: great!
Me: awesome! Are y'all okay?
Granny: yeah we're all good
Luke: that's great
Granny: well I need to be going. I love y'all and nice talking to you Luke. Happy Birthday too!
Luke and Me: bye we love you.
Luke: nice talking to you and thanks.
"Wow your granny's nice" Luke says when we hang up. "Thanks! Oh yeah and thanks for talking to her. That really made her day" I say sliding my hand into his. "No problem baby. I would do anything for you" he says leaning over kissing my lips. "I love you" I say pecking his lips once more. "I love you too baby" he smiles. "Oh, I got you something for your birthday" I say going to the closet. "Baby, you know you didn't have to" he explains when I walk back into the room. "Here you go" I hand him his new Martin guitar. "Baby! This is beautiful. I love it!" He says. "It ain't much." I explain. He grabs my face in his hands and kisses me. "It's perfect" he smiles. Daddy should be here by now. About that time I hear a knock on the door. I go answer it to find that it just daddy. "Hey come on in" I say letting the door open a little more. "Luke ready" daddy laughs. "Yeah" I laugh also returning to the living room. "Alright lets go catch some fish" daddy says. "Yes sir let me go get my fishin poles from the barn" Luke says getting up from the couch. Daddy tells me bye and waits in the jeep. Luke runs to the barn grabbing his fishin poles. He puts them in the back of daddy's jeep and walks back over to me giving me a short sweet peck on lips. "Love you" he says. "Love you" I say turning around walking back in the house. Time to get this show on the road. I call everyone and when I say everyone I mean everyone. Blake and Miranda, Bk and his girlfriend Brittney, Ty and Hayley, and a lot more. Mama and mama laclaire are here now to help me get everything set up for his party. "What do you want us to do" they ask. "Well y'all can make some food. I'll hang the streamers, the sign, and the balloons. They nod and walk to the kitchen. I drive to the little barn I rented since Luke's is a little messy. I hang the streamers and the balloons up. I get a chair from one of the tables getting on it hanging the sign.

Party time:
I hear daddy and Luke pull into the driveway so I tell everyone to hide. Daddy walks in walks in the door followed by Luke. "Surprise!" We all yell. He has a confused look on his face, but then the biggest smile forms on his face. I walk over to him kissing him. "Happy birthday sweetie" I whisper in his ear. "Thank you baby doll. Did you do all this?" He ask. "Yes, but your mama and my mama helped" I say pointing to them. "Wait, my mama?" he raises his eyebrow. "Yeah" I wave them over. "Mama? Daddy?" Luke says as they make there way over. "Yeah sweetie, it's us" she laughs kissing his cheek. "I missed you guys" he smiles. "Your brother and sister would have love to be here" his daddy Tommy says placing his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah I know they would" Luke shyly smiles. He misses them so much. "Are you alright" I ask as Luke's parent leave to talk to mine. "Yeah sweetheart I'm fine. Just memories" he says kissing my forehead. "Alright alright alright we have some people that want to say something" the DJ says. BK and Ty walk to the stage that I had set up as everyone cheers. They say how nice Luke is and everything. A couple of more go on. Then it's my parents turn. Oh boy.... "Luke" my dad says giving him a serious look. "Your a good man to my daughter and me and my wife love you like a son. But if you ever hurt her your gonna wished you hadn't" he smiles. I look up at Luke from where I'm standing with my arms wrap around him. He smiles at daddy and looks down at me and kisses my forehead. "That will never happen." "And if you ever want to marry her you have our blessing. Happy birthday." Luke smile grows even bigger when daddy says that. "Thank you sir" he says. Next is Luke's parents. "Luke, your our baby. Your brother and sister would have love to be here. We're so proud of you. You keep that girl of yours she is a goodin and Happy birthday! We love you son" Tommy says. "Thank you mama and daddy" Luke smiles again. "Now if Luke's girl would come up here" the DJ says. I kiss Luke and walk to the stage. "Oh Luke... Where do I begin with you. Your the sweetest guy I ever met. You always been there for me when I needed someone. Your exactly what I needed in my life and I love you" I say smiling at him. He returns the smile coming toward the front. Once he gets there he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into a big Bryan bear hug. "I love you too" he whispers before kissing me with so much passion. "Okay, how bout we get this party started" Ty yells as the music of "This is how we Roll" comes on. He starts singing and BK joins him. Now it's Luke's part. He runs up on the stage and grabs a microphone. He starts singing and shakes his stuff. Haha! For the rest of the night until about 11 that's what we did. When everyone left I had to clean and Luke stayed and help me. "You know you didn't have to stay. I mean you do have to go to the studio in the morning" I say picking up the last of the cups. "It's fine baby. It's the least I could do after the party you gave me" he smiles. "You can stay the night with me if you want to" Luke suggest. "Yeah baby! I'll stay" I laugh. "Alright lets go then" Luke says picking me up bridal style carry me to my jeep. "I love you " he says. "I love you too" I giggle as he puts me in the jeep. The top is off and it's kinda of chilly. I know it July, but still. I grab Luke's hand and with my other I turn up the radio. The ride home was silent. I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up Luke is getting out of the car. I yawn and open my door getting out and grabbing Luke's hand. "Can I borrow some clothes" "yeah" Luke says throwing me a shirt and a pair of shorts. I go into the bathroom changing. When I come out Luke is laying on the bed shirtless. I lay down beside him putting my head on his bare chest. "Thank you for everything baby" Luke breaks the silence. "Your welcome babe, but I really didn't do anything. I'm the one who should be thanking you" I say. "You know something Memphis" Luke ask. "What's that?" I question. "Your kinda perfect" Luke says. I laugh at him. "Your kinda perfect too." "I love you Darlin! Goodnight" "Night! I love you" I say kissing him softly before laying back down on his chest falling asleep soon after.

Chapter 6!!!! How'd y'all like it? Give me some feedback! Comment and vote please!! I love you guys and thank y'all so much for reading this. Happy Birthday to Luke! We love you Luke!!:):) Oh and an update on my house we almost got it finish! I'll be so glad to be back in it!! Thanks again for the support!!:)

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