Love in the City of Music

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•author's note: i wrote this when i was in 9th grade. so please bare with me. it gets better i promise. like i said i plan on editing it as soon as i'm finished with it.•

Chapter 1

I breathe in the fresh air as I step off the bus. I turn my head to read the sign that says Nashville. My name is Memphis Kelley. I am 26 years old. I have brown hair and deep blue eyes. I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either. Yes! I'm kin to Brian Kelley! He is my cousin I'm actually going to live with him over the summer. I know he is from Florida and I'm from Georgia, but were long distance. Anyways I hear my name being called and I turn to look at who it is. Brian! "Memphis" I hear once again. "Brian" I yell speed walking to him to give him a hug. "Hey little cuz, how was the bus ride" he ask laughing. "Oh it was just great" I chuckle. "Cool well let's get you to my house so you can settle in then we can go meet some of my buddies" "okay" I smile. We finally get to his house. I am trying to get settled in when I hear knock on the door. "Can you get that" BK hollers from the kitchen."Yep got it" I yell back. I walk over to the door, and open it. Guess who is standing there...

The one and only.... Luke Bryan!!! (Memphis and Luke have known each other for a couple of years.) "Uhh...uhhh Hi" I stutter. "Hey Darlin is Brian here?" He ask. "Uhh yeah hold on" I answer back. "Brian it's Luke" I holler. "Alright hold on" he yells back. I notice that he is wearin his E3 hat, tight blue jeans, a baby blue shirt, and cowboy boots. "Oh snap" I mumble to myself. I have my E3 hat on too. Luke was my favorite country artist next to FGL so I had most of his stuff. He must have notice because he said, "nice hat" "Thanks" I blush. Finally Brian came in and said, "Luke quit flirting with my cousin" "haha real funny Brian" I say while punching him in the arm. "Oww" he laughs "that hurt" I hear Luke laughing at both of us. "Anyways watcha need Luke" Brian ask. "Oh I was just wonderin if you and pretty girl wants to go out tonight?" Brian looks at me and I nod. "Sure man what time?"BK ask. "I say bout 7." Luke replies winking at me. I feel my cheeks burning. "Alright well I guess we'll see ya tonight" Brian answers. "Yep see y'all" he replies. "Bye Luke" I said. "Bye beautiful" he said giving me a hug. Then he gives BK some kind of bro hug then he leaves. I soon get a text from a number. It said:


"Hey baby doll it's Luke. Brian gave me your number hope that's okay:)."

I look at BK and he is cracking up.

I text Luke back and it says:


"Hey cutie! It's fine. I was gonna ask for yours just before you text me."

I put his number in my phone as Lukey. Then I get another text from him.



"Oh okay would you want to go out sometime maybe tomorrow night or something"

ME: "yes! I would love too!"

Lukey: "Okay Darlin well I'll guess I'll see ya and BK tonight. Bye sweetie"

ME: "Bye Lukey"

"So did you have fun flirting with Luke?" Brian and Ty ask me as we drive to Wild Wings. "Oh shut up BK you are the one that gave him my number" I chuckle. "Well I new you to would probably hit it off anyway so I said why not." BK tells me. "You like him don't you?" Ty questions. "Yeah a lot!" I said letting a smile spread across my face. "He ask me to go out with him tomorrow. You know that right" "yeah he texted me after he ask you and told me what you said" BK says. We finally arrive at Wild Wings. I scan the room to look for Luke and I see him sitting by his self in a corner. The 3 of us walk over and take a seat. I end up sitting by Luke. "Well what can can I get for you 3 cuties" the waitress says looking at Luke, Ty, and Brian. They tell her their orders and she starts to leave. "Um ma'am you forgot me" I say trying not to sound like a smart butt. "Oh I'm sorry what would you like" she said giving me a death glare. I tell her my order and she leaves. "Thanks" I mumble. I look to BK, Ty, and Luke. They are all smiling trying to hold their laughter in. I smile and say "what dummy would forget to take someone's order that is sitting right in front of them?" I question. "Well we are pretty hot. That could have took the attention off of you" BK replies smiling knowing he is about to make me mad. "Oh I only see one fine one sitting here" I hear BK and Ty gasp pretending it hurt their feelings because they new exactly who I was talking about. Luke looks to me and shines them beautiful pearly whites at me. "Yes Luke I was talking about you" I blush. "Thank ya Darlin, your just as hot" he said. I feel my cheeks burn red once again. BK and Ty were laughing their heads off. "Memphis?" Ty ask. "yeah" I turn my attention to him. "Me and BK are gonna go to the recording studio wanna come?" "Nah I think I'll go back to the house and watch a movie or something." Alright well I'll drive ya home first then go" BK says. "Nah... I'll take her home. If she don't mind?" Luke says. I nod "that's fine with me!" "Alright I guess we'll see y'all later" Ty replies. "Bye love you" Brian and Ty said. "Bye love y'all."

Luke and I are about 10 minutes away from the house. He keeps looking over at me. Finally I catch him. "What?" I ask "nothing your just so pretty!" He replies. "Aww thanks Luke! You ain't to bad yourself" I say (Haha who am I kidding he is FINE!). I scoot over to the middle seat and put my head on his shoulder. "Are we almost home?" I ask Luke. "Yeah.." He says. Then I see BK's house come into view. "Finally" I mumble to myself. I am extremely tired. Luke gets out and I start to but he stops me. "Hop on my back" he says smiling. Without hesitation I do because I'm to tired to argue. He walks me into the house and puts me down on the couch. "You wanna watch a movie?" Luke ask. "Yeah put in pure country" I said. "okay" he puts in and plays the movie. He sits in the lazy boy. I get up and go to the kitchen to get me a water. "Want anything to drink" I holler. "Yeah bring me a coke" Luke yells back. I start to walk back into the living room when I see my phone light up. It's a text from BK.

BK: Hey are you okay?

ME: yeah I'm good. You don't have to check on me I'm with Luke.

BK: I know, but is everything going good.

ME: yes! Now leave me alone... Jk bye love you!:)

BK: Haha.. Alright bye love you:)

I walk back into the living room and sit down. Luke is gone. I look around for him then I finally find him laying on my bed upstairs asleep. "Luke" I say walking over and shaking him. "What" he yawns. "Your asleep in my bed. Why?" I question. "I don't know. I am just to tired to go home. Can I stay here?" "Well yeah, but let me text and ask BK first." About that time I heard BK and Ty walk through the door. "BK, Luke wants to stay since its so late. Is that alright?" I holler from upstairs. "Yeah he'll have to sleep on the couch or in the floor" he yells back to me. "Alright" I say. "Luke, BK said you can stay, but you'll have to sleep on the couch or the floor. Is that alright?" "Yeah... I guess I'll sleep on the floor because I really don't want to sleep on that uncomfortable couch" he says. "You can stay in here if you want" I state. "Alright BK won't care?" He says. "No he is the one who wants us to be together" I said laughing. "Ohh alright" he says wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shut up and go to bed" I chuckle once again. "Can I have a kiss first?" Luke ask me. I turned to him shocked and excited. "Umm.. Mr. Bryan we haven't even had our first date yet." He groans. "Ughhh fine! Come here" I say getting annoyed. He takes about two steps and he is in front of me. He puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck playing with his hair. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes while he stares into my blue ones. Soon enough our lips crash together. They move in sync like they were meant to be together. Then my door swings open......

Cliffhanger: what do u think will happen? Who do u think it is?

Here is chapter 1! Enjoy!:) you can also go read my fan fiction for the love of my redneck!:) It is the redneck Daryl Dixon. From the walking dead. I love y'all! Bye my fellow Luke lovers!!:)

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