"Is that why we can't play at the library in the guild?"

"Yes. It's not a place where to play around. You go there when you want to read."

"I don't yet know how to read..." Felix sighed and Freed looked at his son.

He smiled.

"Once we have cleaned up the whole house, we can go to a book store and lets buy you your very own primer", he promised. "If you really want, we can start learning the alphabets."

"Let's do that!" Felix instantly beamed happily his turquoise eyes shining. "Let's ask if Chester and Vellanja can come with us too! We can all learn how to read!"

"Let's ask them", Freed nodded. "We can start having lessons at the guild at the same time every day."

"That sounds really fun!" Felix smiled and Freed hold back a laugh. He was pretty sure after only a few weeks Felix wouldn't be that excited anymore.

Of course, it also depended how they would plan out this "school" thing. Now that he thought about it more, it didn't sound bad. He was a bit worried it would be too early but they didn't really need to teach them everything. They could learn the alphabets and he was sure Levy would be happy to help him teach them. Some days they could maybe sing together, Reedus could probably teach them how to paint and they could even train a little bit with other members. They could also tell them about camping and how to gather food and everything useful things like that. The most important thing was that they had fun together while learning new things.

After that Felix was even more happier to help, until he almost got terrified when he managed to drop one of the old books on the floor. It didn't break, thankfully, but it opened and showed pages full of drawings.

They were really odd drawings, but really fascinating as he kneeled down to look at them. Freed stepped beside him and looked at the drawings as well.

"There's lots of these drawings", Felix noticed when flipping some old pages more. Big drawings, they didn't really look special but he could say that some of them looked like humans, some were animals like a dog or a bird or a cat. Some pictures looked a lot simpler, like an eye. The humans in those pictures had odd clothes and even some animals had weird accessories like necklaces, bands, things like that.

"Those are hieroglyphs", Freed explained. "Remember what I told you about these?"

"Yeah, you can use these to write stuff", Felix nodded and Freed was even more proud to notice how observant Felix always was, remembering things easily. "They don't really look like you can write..."

"I know this looks interesting, but we better start with normal alphabets first", Freed chuckled taking the book and he set it on the table. "Once you know how to read, you can start learning new things and even new languages."

"Wow... I really want to learn how to read", Felix decided. "But I want to learn how to use a sword too! You promised I could have a bamboo sword, mama!" he suddenly remembered.

"I haven't forgotten", Freed assured with a smile, continuing to clean the shelves. "You will get one soon."

Once all the shelves were clean Freed started to organise his books. He had a certain order with his books only he knew thoroughly so he wanted to take care of his books by himself.

Felix watched what he was doing and while Freed was concentrated on his books, he took the old book of hieroglyphs and quickly went down the stairs. He opened the door in his room and put the book under his pillow. He wanted to look at it more, even if Freed said he should first learn the alphabets!

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