Chapter 29: Far Away

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~Time Skip Five Years~

I gasp for air, finding my footing on the pavement. Only to be jossled around by a bunch of strangers.

Where did these people come from? What about the traffic? And the panic...

A quick glance around tells me that this isn't the New York I know.

I mean, it's definitely New York, but something's different.

I back up from the center of the sidewalk to lean up against the building behind me to take in the sight:

There's people appearing out of nowhere...

"Uh, excuse me, ma'am," I stop a lady passing in front of me, hoping to find some answers. "What's happening?"

"You don't know?" The sadness in her tone is practically tangible.

A child, no more than 4 years old, appears across the street from us, crying and calling for his mother.

"Oliver?" The sad woman whispers with disbelief.


"Oliver!" The woman rushes across the street to embrace the child, who I'm assuming is her son. She holds him close, like this is the first time she's seen him in years...

"Sir!" I stop another passerby, "what year is it?"

Gosh, I sound like Marty McFly...

"Two thousand twenty-three," he says before suddenly realizing something and rushing off.


It's been five years.

As I process this news, or at least try to, I slide down the building I was leaning up against. I hug my knees into my chest, bury my face into my knees, and breathe.

~Time Skip~

I sat against that building, literally contemplating life, for who knows how long. It started to rain at some point, I don't particularly recall when.

I watched families be reunited. I watched others drop what they were doing to go find their families.

I watched lovers be reunited.

I don't even know where my family is...

At that point, I decided that I couldn't stay here forever. I pull my phone out of my backpack that was thankfully still with me, and try to brief myself on what had happened in the last five years.

That's when my phone buzzed and a familiar face appeared on my notifications banner.


Oh my gosh, he's alive!!!

Wait, please tell me he's not like 21, 'cuz that would suck.

That's seriously your first thought?

I take a deep breath, or several actually, before finally clicking on the notification.

He sent me a link...

I dig through my bag to find my earbuds. I pull them out of my mp3 player and plug them into my phone. I tap the link and smile; it's my favorite song: Far Away by Nickelback.

The song starts playing automatically, and I get another text from him:

(I recommend starting the song now ;))


I'm on my way

Without taking out my headphones or anything, I shoot up to my feet.

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