Chapter 13: Pop the Question

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"That's not necessarily true."

I turn around and to look at Peter; he hasn't been acting like himself today, so I don't really think anything of it. But, of course, I have to ask anyway. "What's that supposed to mean?" Walking towards him again, I see an expression of mild panic in his gorgeous brown eyes as he runs a hand through his already disastrous curls.

"Uh, it's kind of a long story," I can tell he's getting nervous, but a sudden wave of bravery came over me, so I grab his hand and look into his scared eyes.

"I've got all day," I smile, my heart practically pounding out of my chest, my stomach somersaulting like crazy. I walk him over to a bench in between stores and sit down with him.

"I don't even know where to start," he chuckles nervously. I remember that I'm still holding his hand, which immediately triggers a vibrant blush, but I have no desire to let go. My hand seems to fit so perfectly in his, and I just feel this sense of safety when I touch him. Is that really weird? Maybe. Is it nice? Uh, heck yeah.

"I find that the beginning is usually best," I give his hand a squeeze, and he finally looks into my eyes, making my heart stop beating for a second.

For once, I have no idea where this is going, but when I'm with him, I'm not so scared of the unknown.

"Well," he takes a deep breath and turns to face me more. "I have this Stark Internship, right?"

"Yes," I let my expression tell him to continue his explanation.

"And Tony Stark, well he just got engaged."

"Wait, what? Dad didn't tell me that. I guess that's not out of character," I let out a laugh before letting him continue.

"Well, I was kind of invited to go to this gala thing next Saturday."

"Okay," do I know where this is going? I hope I'm right.

No, don't get your hopes up! You know how it will end...

But Peter's different, I know it.

Just be careful, guard your heart.


"Sorry, what was that?"

"Uh, Mr. Stark said that I had to bring a plus one, so I was kinda hoping you'd wanna go with me?" Holy shawarma, he looks so fudging cute right now. He's got these scared puppy dog eyes, I mean, like I could say no to that face.

"Are you seriously scared I'm gonna say no?"

"Uh, yeah, have you met me?" he really doesn't know, does he?

"Yeah, I have, which is why there's no way in Hershey's that I'm gonna say no."

"Wait, so that's a yes?"

"I never said that," I decide to mess with him a little.

"So, it's a no?" he looks slightly heartbroken.

"I never said that either," I smirk at him, softening his hurt slightly. Just slightly.

"Y/N, it's a yes or no question!" he's really exasperated, but the smile tugging at his lips leads me to believe he doesn't fully hate me.

"So?" I'm enjoying this way too much.

"So, which is it?" his voice goes super soft, I can barely hear it through all of the buzz of the busy complex. But I did, and I have to hold back a smile.

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