Lucifer: You made my life perfect

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Type: Request by Anonymous

Summary: "Heyaaa, can I ask one with Lucifer where the reader is sad about her past (parents issues) and he is all gentle with her (even tho he is all careful since gentleness isn't his forte) and he even ask her if she wants him to kill them and she laughs at how serious he was. Idk, something like that would be awesome. ❤"


This house is total chaos. A lot of different objects I never knew I had are on the floor and everywhere you look, you can see a lot of boxes. I really hope I'll wake up at some point from this nightmare. But I know this is just the beginning.

Me and my boyfriend for 2 years now, decided to move in a bigger house, in a different country. We talked about what is happening in our lives and decided to leave all behind. We just want to be happy, not fearing someone will come to kill us.


As I was putting all the books we had in boxes, I heard Lucifer, my boyfriend, calling my name.

"Y/N! I found something interesting. I think you forgot about those."

He came into the room with a small box in his hands, smiling like he just found the most precious thing in the world. He sat on the bed and gestured me to sit next to him.

I opened the box and I already felt the tears forming in my eyes. I thought I don't have those pictures at all. In every picture were my mom, my father and my sister.

"See! I know you'll love them!"

"I hate them."

"Wait, what?"

Lucifer was so confused. He thought that seeing my family will make me happy. He never met them. He doesn't know anything about them. Not even their names.

"You don't know them. You can't understand."

"Well, you can help me understand. Go on, girl."

I didn't know where to start. It was so much to say. I lived with my parents for 21 years and a lot of things happened in those years.

"They... they never loved me. The only person they loved with all their hearts was my sister. She was so perfect, in every possible way. The best grades in school, helping them every day, obeyed to everything our mom or father wanted. And I was trying to be at least half like her, but... they hated me. Every day they were angry at me, for nothing. At some point, they started to show that anger by beating me...They made my life a living Hell."

Lucifer was shocked to hear my story. He never imagined my life, before I met him, was in this way. I started to cry and he hugged me so tight, trying to calm me down with kisses and sweet words.


After 10 minutes of crying and 10 minutes of Lucifer freaking out, trying to make everything to stop my tears, I succeeded to calm down a bit.


"Yes, Lucifer?"

"I just wanted to say... If you want, I could go to kill them to get your revenge."

I started to laugh. He never used those type of jokes to make me feel better, but it worked.

I turned my head, still laughing, to look at his face. He was serious.

"It was a joke, right?"

"No, of course not! Why would I joke about something like this? They deserve to die for what they've done to you!"

Oh boy, he was very angry right now. I know I had to stop him right here and right now, to not do something stupid.

"Look, Lucifer. As much as I hate them, they are still my parents. I will never talk to them again, I will even forget they ever existed, but I don't want you to kill them. Okay?"

"Uh, fine. Just because I love you."

"I love you too, Lucifer. You made my life perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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