King Roan: Long Live the Queen (5/6)

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4 years later

We stayed in that bunker for 3 years. The worst 3 years of my life. Most of the time, all the people were angry; nearly every day we had to deal with some issues, or with people from different clans who hated each other. I was praying eveyday for those things to finally end. Just one thing kept me sane. I had just one reason to fight to see another day. And that reason was my son, Roan. I promised I will do everything for him, so I did. Today we celebrate one year for being again in our home from Azgeda.

I know what you may think about my son. Maybe you ask yourself why I named him Roan? Well, I really miss my husband. 4 years after his death and I still cry at night. I still can't believe he is dead. So, naming him Roan was a good ideea. After all, he was the best King Azgeda ever had. King Roan II will be even better.


Azgeda was celebrating today one year for being again on the ground. They were all happy and I was so glad to see them like that. They deserve it.

As i was in the throne room and watching everything from the balcony, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"My Queen, I am so sorry to interrupt you, but we have an emergency."

"What are you talking about? Everyone is having a good time. Look at them!"

"No, my Queen, it's not about the people, it's about..."

"Well, whatever it is, it can wait, right? I'll go to stay with my people now."

"But, my Queen..."

When I leaved the balcony, entering the room, someone came into the throne room. It was a really tall man, strong, but was hiding his face.

"I didn't gave you the permission to enter the room. Who are you?"

"This was the emergency, my Queen. He pretends to be..."

"King Roan of Azgeda." said the tall men immediately.

I looked at him, very suspiciously. From head to toe.

"King Roan is dead. For 4 years now. And if you say that one more time, my guards will kill you."

"But have you saw his body?"

I didn't know what to say. I didn't saw it, I guess no one did. We made a some kind of funeral for my husband, but we didn't buried hid body, just some of his favourite things. I never asked for his body. I know the way he died and I didn't wanted to see his face desfigured from the black water. I wanted to remember him as King Roan of Azgeda, the most strongest fighter that ever existed.

I was so lost in my thoughts and I didn't saw that this man started to reveal his face. My guards approached me in case he wanted to attack me.

The i saw his face. I was looking for some words, but none came out of my mouth. I looked around me at the guards and the man from before.

"Everybody... out..."

"But my Queen, we can't leave you a-"


They disappeared in seconds. Then I looked at the man in front of me.

"It's impossible..."

"I missed you too, my darling."

"B-but... Roan is dead... my husband is dead!"

He tried to hug me, but I didn't let him. I started to walk in the throne room, to get away from him.

"You are not my husband!"

"Just come to me and look into my eyes. You will know then if I am Roan or not."

He was. He really was my husband. His pierced blue eyes can not lie. The most beautiful eyes I have ever saw.

"Then what happened? Luna killed you... I don't understand..."

"I will explain everything if you'll... let me..."

I didn't know what interrupted him, but when I looked on my left I saw my little prince, looking sleepy at the man in front of me.

"Mommy... who is this man?"

Then Roan looked at me. He was shocked to hear the little child calling me mommy. But he doesn't know...

He wanted to say something, but it was clearly he didn't know what. Then, he just left the throne room, without saying anything.

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