King Roan: Long Live the Queen (3/6)

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I suddenly woke up. I started to look around me. I was in my bedroom, alone. I got up and went to the balcony. No one were outside. And that's very strange.

While I put on a new dress on me, I saw myself in the mirror. My eyes were red like I cried for a year straight. But the true is, I cried for a couple of hours now. I was a mess.

I remember that Bellamy carried me to my room and stayed with me until he was sure I was fine. Well, as fine as I can be. Then, he left me alone.

I still think it was just a nightmare. I still hope that I'll see him in the throne room, where he usually was. But he's not there. He's not with me anymore.


After two more hours of crying and trying to calm a bit, I went to the throne room. Everyone was looking at me with sad eyes.

I didn't wanted to be there. I wanted to stay in my room and cry as much as I could. But I had to be here. For Roan, not for me.

"My Queen, I'm glad you're here. We need to discuss a couple of things. Then we can go to the bunker."

I wanted to scream "that fucking bunker killed my husband". I didn't wanted to go. I wanted to die just to be with him again. But I know he will hate me for that.

Then we discussed about every clan. Where they'll stay, who'll lead them, and the rules we all need to respect.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention. But that changed when I saw Octavia. I heard what happened. She and Roan promised they'll both kill Luna. After that, they'll kill each other. But Octavia broke the promise. She left Roan to fight on his own. She didn't deserve to win, and I swear, for my husband, that one day I'll kill her, without thinking twice.


Now we were all in the bunker. I was in my room when Clark knocked on the door and entered.

"Hey... I really wanted to talk with you."

"About what, Clarke?"

"About you being the Queen of Azgeda."

"I know who I am. I don't know why it bothers you."

"Well, Roan's gone. You don't have any protection now. You're not one of them. I'm afraid they'll want to kill you."

"They won't. I'm sorry to upset you, but you can't get rid of me."

"And how will you make them see you like one of them?"

"You'll see. You'll all see. Soon."

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