Alice's Backround. (not really a chapter)

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This is a short chapter that has violent things in it if you don't like to read things like that then wait till my next update or read on if I have already updated. It also has bad language so if you haven't and don't want to read it the just skip it.


Alice POV

(5 years and three months ago)


Hiya! My name is Alice! I don't have a great life but I still like to be cheery! The only thing is I have a brother and father who think it is nice to hurt me. They are not nice people at all. Even though they hurt me I still believe they have good in there heart and it may be very deep, deep down but they love me. I think.


(Exactly 5 years ago)

Hi I'm Alice but who cares. No one loves me and I will never fit in anywhere. I am broken. I use to be happy and cheerful but now I am broken. They did this in 3 months.

I heard the door open and just waited for hell to begin.

"ALICE! You little bitch. Get your ass down here right now!" And that would be my dear father... BASTERED.

I walk down the stairs to get tripped by my ass hole of a brother.

"You were supposed to have dinner on the table when we got home." Said my father (Derik is his name)

"Sorry sir" I said looking at my feet. BANG! I get slapped... SHOCKER!!! (Note the sarcasm) They have hit me so much that I can barely feel my back. It gets old.

"You didn't even flinch. Do I need to get the silver blade" He said. I don't know why but silver is the only mark that affects me for long. SILVER HURTS LIKE A BITCH!

"N-no s-sir I will make d-dinner right n-now." I said no trembling. I started towards the kitchen only to get grabbed by the arm. FML!

"No I and your brother are going to dinner and you are going to sit in your room. I will not tell you when we will be getting home but if I come home and you are not in your room you will regret it. Are you waiting for an invite? Get the fuck up to your room!" My lovely excuse father said... no screamed. I turn to walk up but I get tripped by my idiotic brother.

"Clumsy bitch" My brother said as he smirked.

I walk up to my room and look out my window. I don't know why but every time they drive away I hope they get hit by a train... No I know why... CAUSE THERE ASS HOLES!

I don't believe in god because if he was real why would he let people suffer. He made promises to have there be peace on earth, so where is it? There are wars, discriminations, and in my case ass hole people. If he wants me in believe then he should put some at least some respect and happiness for me into my life.

I watched them pull out of the driveway and I walked down and got food and went back up. I'm not stupid or scared of them. The worse the do is pull the blade on me, and to be honest they just put small scratches the only stay for a few weeks.

I pulled out my laptop that i keep under my bed so I can talk to my one friend. Her name is Anabel, and she has the life I wish I had. Huge house, loving parents, fun siblings, oh yea and no scars. I message her and we talk for hours, she is the only one who know about my family problems.

I see the car swerve in and say bye to Anabel. She said good luck and I hid my computer.

I knew they were drunk. This kinda scared me so I locked my door and turned off my lights, hoping that they would leave me alone. Like always I was mistaken. *Nock Nock Nock* translation *Fuck My Life*. I open the door and get a rag to the face. I back out almost instantly.

I wake up and I'm strapped to a table in the cellar. I faintly see a shadow figure and knew it was my dad. I saw a sparkle and knew he had the knife. I was frightened because he never does this when he is drunk. He must be pissed off big time.

"Do you know why you're getting punished?" He asked. I simply shook my head no.

"Because you ate food and left you room to do so. You took the chips out of the pantry and ate them and put them back. How do I know? You folded the bag differently." He said now coming closer. Why was I so stupid!

"Now you will be punished." He pulled his hand from his back and I saw the silver. My heart rate increased at the sight. Then in the other hand was a silver needle.

I didn't dare make a sound because he would just feel accomplished. I closed my eyes and felt him lift my shirt up slightly. Luckily he would never lift it passed my rib cage. I felt the blade on my skin, he hasn't cut yet but he was going to. I felt the blade enter my skin and he stabbed the needle in and just let it sit there. To your suprize it never stops hurting. He slowly started to twist the needle while drawing. The blade went deeper than usual. He was making so it won't go away. I felt tears rolling down my face and I started to whimper. He wasn't just cutting he was writing something. He finished and whipped the blood my jeans.

"Perfect" He said with a smirk. He unchanged the straps and walked up the stairs. Luckily the pain went away, or went numb either way I could walk. I didn't even look at it.

I had to take a shower because I was now covered in blood. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I lift up my shirt to see the word 'Bitch' on my stomach. I fell to the floor and cried. I stay like that until I could no longer cry so I took a quick shower.

I decided this it enough. An 8 year-old shouldn't go through anymore of this. I change and through all my things into a bag. I opened the front door and let Roger, our dog, free. He licked me and ran out. I went back to my room, after grabbing all of the food from the kitchen pantry. I shoved it into my bag and grabbed my picture of me and my mom along with the family picture before she died and my brother and father turned into jerks.

I jumped out my window and ran. I don't know how I ran faster than a car but I didn't care. I ran and didn't even look back, I had a huge smile on my face. I didn't even care that I would never see them again.

(Two weeks later)

I was out of food and in a new state before a foster home found me. That is where the pain ended!



~Alice <3

P.S: I do believe in god and always will!

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