Revealed of my scar

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'I will find another way' He said the directed his attention towards Jimi... This should be good...

-end of recap-

"so jimi" Rhydian started getting the attention of the whole table, "you are going to need to prove your trust to us now that you know."

"WHAT" everyone except me said.

"yea he found out when we went to the class room. He took one look into my eyes and new it was me. That is why I wasn't with you guy after school." I said instantly hiding my face by looking down, not wanting to see any disappointed faces.

"well then, I guess once you prove your trust you are part of our pack." Tom said.

"so how do I do that? Give blood? Steal something?" jimi said.

"No. You simply promise to protect or secret and if you break it..." I was cut off by jana

"I will hunt you down and kill you personally." she said with a death glare.

"okay!" he said putting his hands up for surrender. "I promise to keep all of you Wolfe abilities a secret." he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

'what was all that about!?!' Rhydian said throu mind link.

'maybe because it was me who told him, he made the promise to me.' I said, I think trying to convince myself at the same time.

The food came out and we mostly ate in silence, there was a few small conversations about how we all put our trust in Jimi and expect him to follow thru.

"I have to get home because I have to help Alexa with homework. See ya'll tomorrow." I said standing up to leave.

"yeah, we should get home to. Right Tom, Mads, are you spending the night again?" Shan said

"sure I guess one more night then I will be out of you hair. Promise." she said

"I should get home to. Again, your secret is safe with me." Jimi said to the whole group this time.

"good. Well me and Alice should get home. See you tomorrow. Bye mates" Rhydian said as we walked out.



I don't know why but I get seriously protective over Alice. I know I fancy her, big time, but I fancied Maddy and wasn't this protective over her. I need to make my move.

I caught up and grabbed her hand, I have to do this differently than I did with Maddy.

"so... Alice, do you maybe want to go somewhere tomorrow after school. Someplace special."

"are you asking me on a date?" she asked.

"yeah, I am." I said, this is harder than I thought.

" Ok, it's a date." Alice said.

I gave her a hug and spun her around but put her down when she screamed in pain. As soon as I put her down she grabbed her stomach and fell to her knees crying.



I felt him squeeze my stomach where my scar from my father was and screamed. Next thing I knew I was on my knees crying. Now it wasn't so much as pain it was the fact that I was going to have to show Rhydian and he wasn't going to like me because I'm broken.

I pulled my self together and stood up, only to be picked up bridle style by Rhydian.

"what was that?" he asked, worrie spread all thru his face.

"would you believe me if I said, craps?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"no but if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to" he said "but..."

"but?" I said. Now the worried one.

"I'm carrying you the rest of the way home." he said picking my bag up off the floor and putting in on, never putting me down.

I didn't try to argue so I just cuddled up to him and feel asleep in his arms.



Here I am carrying Alice, or as I can finally say, my girlfriend, back to the house while she sleeps in my arms, for once not uncouncus, just sleeping. I'm still worried about what happend back there but she will tell me when she is ready. I will never let anyone hurt her, or take her from me, ever.

We are now back at the house and I open the door so carefully not to wake Alice. I was only 7pm so everyone is still up.

"Rhydian why are you so.... Oh my! What happend!" my step mother said

"mum she is just sleeping. She had craps so I carried her and she fell asleep." I said using here fake excuse.

"ok well go and put her to bed, then you can come and help Alexa with schoolwork." she said.

"will do, no problem, I be right there Alexa" I said going up stairs towards Alice's room.

I put her in her bed and went to pull away only to be pulled into the bed next to Alice by a still sleeping, vary strong, Alice.

She had a hard grip on me. I put my arm around her wast and cuddled her for a good 7 mins until she finally loosened her grip alowing me to seek out and put her favorite black bear in my place. I kissed her forehead and went down stairs to help Alexa with homework while doing mine and Alice's.



After waking up in my cloths from yester day I took a shower and changed. We were on the bus and I was trying to shoot grapes from my breakfast into Rhydian's mouth, making half of them. I am so glad that we are offically a couple!!!!!! Ekkkkkk! FANGIRLING IN MY HEAD

'bro calm down' Rylee said.

'sorry' I said cutting the mind link off.

The bus showed up at school and I went to my first period, PE, or gym. I had it with all my friends. Rhydian, Maddy, Shan, Tom, Jana, Tasha, Jimi, Rhyan, And Alexa

Rhydian gave me a quick kiss and then went into the boys locker room. I walk into the girls locker room to be surrounded by the girls. Now I had to change, this was easy to do and hide my scar, I just hold a shirt to my scar.

I was changing while holding my while hold the shirt to my stomach. All of a sudden Alexa scared me from behind making me drop my shirt. Before I could cover it back up Shan and Maddy and Alexa saw my mark and took my shirt.

"what is that. Who did that to you?" Maddy said looking pissed, like she could rip someone's head off. Shan and Jana looked the same. Alexa just looked like she was going to cry because she felt bad.

"my dad, my real dad and brother abused me. This is the worst thing they did to me but the other stuff is a mental scar." I said now getting my shirt and holding it overs the scar.

" that is why you flinch when ever someone yells at you. Because you are reminded of your dad and brother, wait isn't that suppose to heal?" Alexa asked

"no it was silver. He was drunk and he pushed it in further than usual so I stuck." I said now putting my gym shirt on.

"I'm so sorry about them. If they ever come back I will rip them to shreds." Jana said

"same but you need to tell Rhydian because he can protect you the most. He will love you even with this scar. I promise, he will understand" Maddy said

"your right I will tell him." I said as we walked out the door to be greeted by Rhydian and Jimi and Rhyan.

Here goes nothing...

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