New girl

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Alice POV


What is the word normal anymore? We hear everyday, 'Can't you just be normal?' Or some twisted, and slightly more rude, version of that. Yet no one can give me an accurate definition of the supposed craved descriptor. It really upsetting when a girl is simply trying to blend into the crowd, but now she has to try and get with this impossible new trend of 'normal'. I don't think I will ever be normal. With unexplained athletic abilities, and senses that reach levels even doctor's can't explain, it's just an unrealistic wish. Everything about me screams 'Freak!'.

To top all of this off, I was an orphan. Bouncing from foster family, to foster family. American foster families are great, but most of them can't keep up with me. I have the agility to out run cars, and I hate being chased when I just feel like getting away. I have ran from all my past families, and always end up back at the house. It's not bad here, but it's no home. I was just giving up home when a foster family from Britain called and took an interest in me. I guess their other foster kids saw one of the stories on the girl who could run faster then a car, and convinced then to call up and offer to foster me. The home was desperate to get rid of me at this point, so they flew me up there as soon as they hung up the call. Literally, I was on a plane less then 2 hours later.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement! With my craving to accomplish something as impossible as being normal was basically shredded up. Why, you ask? Because now I won't even sound right! I mean, I can do a pretty mean English accent in drama class, but I am pretty sure if I attempted that in front of actual Britain's, I'd get beaten in an alley way. Not gonna test that theory!

I knew very little about the family that was taking me into their home. What I didn't smuggle from the care taker was the names Mr. And Mrs. Vaughan. As well as the kid who took such an interest in me, Rhydian. Upon arrival I took in the home. I was small, but nit to small to feel claustrophobic. I would use cozy and even give it the homey type of vibe. Unfortunately as I was taking in my surroundings I tripped over a root sticking up from the ground and cut my knee while tumbling to the ground. I hissed and looked up to the three looking at me, concern covering their faces.

"Sorry, hah,I'm kinda clumsy, could I get a bandage for this please?" I asked holding my knee, trying to keep it slightly elevated to slow the bleeding down. I'm not good with blood, and it was already making me queezy. (A/N Hah, I have no clue how to spell that!)

Both of the adults in front of me look like I was speaking Chinese. Like... Seriously? Even if you call them something else, they do the same thing! If someone is bleeding you get them the sticky thing with that cloth like substance in the middle to stop the blood! Luckily, before I had the chance to completely ruin my first impression with my new foster parents, Rhydian came around the corner and out the door holding exactly what I was looking for.

"We call the Plasters here, I'm sure you'll pick up the terms quickly. Unfortunately you will need to deal with strange looks until you do." He said glaring playfully at his foster parents, who chuckled foolishly before walking inside.

Rhydian chuckled slightly before helping me to my feet. "They are a tad dense, but they truly care for us like we were their own. Give them time." He said grabbing my bag and leading me inside.

I followed him down the hallway into a small room with plain white walls. There was a bed in the middle with light pink covers, and a blanket on the edge that had my name sewn into it. I smiled and traced the letters one by one. 'Alice' was in a large cursive font, with a small heart at the end. Mrs Vaughan must have made this once they agreed to take me in. Maybe I'll like it here.

I was so busy taking in the room, I didn't notice Rhydian leave and return with clothing, with he quickly threw at my face. If it hadn't been for my quick reflexes I would have been very ticked off, but I caught them less then 2 inches from my face. Rhydian seemed pleased with my reaction and turned to leave, shouting behind him, "Bus will be here in 10 minutes! Hurry or we will be walking to school!"

I would have reacted with frustration, yelling that they did not give me any time to settle in or anything, but I figured this might be best, just diving into things. With that thought, I quickly changed into the White collar shirt and pants, threw my hair into a side braid, and replaced my plane sandals with black tennis shoes, before running out the door after Rhydian. On our way to the bus he handed me a greenish jacket and tie.

"Oh wow. The jacket is simple enough  to put on, but I have no clue how to tie a tie Rhydian! It's just gonna have to wait until I can watch some YouTube videos or something!" I said with a laugh before shoving the fabric into the jacket pocket.

His response was just something about ' Jeffery won't like that' but I didn't listen. Instead we began running as we saw the bus pulling away from the spot it was designated to pick the students up from.

The driver didn't see us running, or simply didn't give and shits, and just kept driving down the road. I sighed and looked to my new foster brother and shrugged "Guess we are running to school!" The smile on my face was evidence that I didn't mind the idea in the slightest.

"Run? You want to run 4 miles to school?" He asked me as if I had done a line of... Heh you get it.

"I mean, do you have a better idea? The foster parents left to take the small boy children to school and we can't be late! I'll race you!" I said taking off in the direction I figured the school was in, considering the bus had gone in that direction. O heard a slight chuckle behind me before the sound of feet on gravel was close behind.
Rhydian POV

When I saw the story of the girl who had amazing athletic abilities, I figured she wasn't just an ordinary person. There had been a moment of doubt when she tripped and got cut, because it didn't seem to be healing fast, but that was thrown out the imaginary mind window when she decided that she could run 4 miles to school at 6am in the morning. This girl was either a Wolfblood, or she was an Alien. I didn't end up reaching her until I found her at the gate I front of our school. She didn't even look out of breath.

"Oh common! Did you even try?" She said teasingly with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised.

I playfully glared at her and shook my head. "Of course I tried!" I said, defending myself. "You had a head start!"

We both laughed and turned to walk into the school when I froze in my tracks. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I smelt the sent of someone I never wanted to see again. My suspicion was only confirmed when my name's was drawn from the lips of the man who seemed to always bring trouble.

"What do you want Alric?" I said quickly turning in my heals to face the yellow eyed and black veins.

Howling At The Moon (Wolfblood) [Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang