"I told you I'd fuck your senseless baby." Ms Venable stated innocently, crawling upwards to meet my lips. I nodded slowly, closing my eyes during the kiss. She pulled away suddenly, and I was about to protest, missing the warmth, but my arms were finally released, and I groaned in relief. My wrists had bruises on them, but that didn't bother me. It was worth it.

"Oh sweetheart, does it hurt? Do you need some cream?" Ms Venable asked gently, taking my hands and kissing them lightly.

"No, thank you." I replied quietly, moving my head to rest on her shoulder.

"How was it? Was it too much for you?" Ms Venable's tone had grown into a worried one as she examined my face, misinterpreting my exhaustion for pain.

"No, honestly, that was the best sex I've ever had. You make me crazy for you." I admitted quietly, pulling her down next to me and cuddling into her chest, "Thank you."

Ms Venable chuckled and pulled the sheets over us, wrapping her arms around me tightly, "Don't thank me. I had a lot of pent up anger, I shouldn't have taken it all out on you." She sighed, but I shook my head slowly.

"If that's what you're like when you're angry, please be angry more often."

Ms Venable laughed and kissed my head, "I love you."


"You may eat." The love on my life announced, hitting the floor twice with her cane. She was so hot, sitting there with a cold expression, scowling at everyone. Oh, if only the others knew how soft she could be.

I felt it before I looked up. I felt the tension in the room rise, and all the slight calmness disappeared. I don't know how it was possible to sense it, but it was thick and heavy as it fell across the room. My eyes darted around to everyone at the table, and it was the first time during dinner that I realised all eyes were on me and Ms Venable. Confusion crossed over my features, and looking over to Ms Venable, she shared the same expression, but a much more annoyed one.

"Since when was it okay to stare at me?" She snapped, slamming her cane against the floor. But no one said anything, just looking at each other in a way that I couldn't understand. What was going on?

"Well, Venable, when was it okay to fuck a purple behind closed doors?"

Complete and utter silence filled the room, me and Ms Venable's mouths agape when Dinah stood up with such force her chair fell as she rose. The look on her face made me flinch. Anger, rage, disgust.

"How fucking dare you call me by only my surname, then accuse me of such a thing!" Ms Venable was soon standing, her hands gripping her cane so tightly that her knuckles turned paper white.

Oh god. They knew. They all knew now. It was because of last night, it must have been.

"Shut up Venable. We could hear you all night long. It's disgusting!" Dinah walked over to me and Ms Venable, spitting out her words like it was vermin. I was practically trembling in fear. I didn't do well in confrontational situations, Dinah was acting so scary, and I knew that her, with a mix of my girlfriend, well, it would not end well.

How can I stop this? This isn't just Ms Venable, it's me as well! Move goddamn it Karinya, fucking do something!

But I couldn't. I was too weak. All I could do was look desperately at Coco and Gallant, but they were stumped, scared to move as well.

"Don't tell me to shut up. You're going to regret ever opening that foul mouth of y-" Ms Venable shouted, but was soon cut off when Dinah slapped her across the face. That's when I leapt to my feet. No one hurts my Mina. I was ready to attack Dinah, but Ms Venable held out an arm, blocking me from moving forward. Ready to complain, my mouth opened, but Ms Venable hissed to me, "Stop. This is my mess."

"Look at you two! You're disgraceful. The outpost leader, banning copulation, but then bangs a purple for hours. You, Venable, you're a disgusting whore, making rules because y-" This time it was Dinah's turn to be cut short, but not by Ms Venable, instead it was because of me.

I don't know how it happened, but all I saw was red. The rage inside me hit my insides, and I threw myself at the bitch, toppling us both over.

"Don't-EVER-call-Wilhelmina-a-fucking-whore!" I spoke through each hit and punch i threw at Dinah, not holding any of myself back. She squirmed and screamed underneath me, and if it was for Ms Venable prising me away, Dinah would be nothing more than a mashed up pile of bones.

"Karinya! Stop it!" Ms Venable, Coco and Gallant pulled me to my feet, and I finally snapped out of my anger fuelled haze.

"I-I-oh my god, I'm so s-sorry!" I stuttered, my face flushing red, horror rushing through my body. What the fuck was I thinking?

"Karinya, don't be sorry, just calm down okay?" Ms Venable grabbed my hands and kissed them, forgetting for a moment where we were. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes that held concern, melting immediately. How could she be so worried about me right now? Dinah was still on the floor, her nose bleeding out!

Just as I was about to say something to Dinah, a siren rang through the building, drowning my ears in surprise. What the fuck was that?

Ms Venable's face twisted into a range of different emotions in the span of two seconds.

"That's the security breech alarm. Someone is trying to get through the gates outside."


So we're coming to the end of this story, yes, *insert a sad face emoji*. If you've watched AHS : Apocalypse, then you should know who is about to join the crew. (I absolutely hate Michael because of what he did to my favourite coven gang, but hey ho, anything for wattpad, am I right?)

Sorry I haven't updated in 44 years, this virus has got me fucked up, as I'm sure it's got you too. Stay safe ya'll.

- H ♡︎

Could You Love Me? || Ms VenableWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt