1 - Cookies and Swords.

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"Shit!" Lance says as the jerks up, awoken by a dream. After Allura and Coran came out of those cryo-replenishers-pod thingys he'd be having the same dream. Or was it a nightmare? Which basically means he has been dreaming the dream, or nightmare, for the last what? Deca-phoebe? In space, time was screwed.

The only good thing was that he gets the dream usually once a night. Yep, regular timed dreams are nothing weird after fight a robeast, or piloting a lion that joins with four more lions to form a humanoid robot protector thing. Yeah, piece of cake. 

But this night he wasn't that sleepy. Actually he was more awake than ever for some reason. So he decided to go to the kitchen to grab some of those ama-zing cookies that Hunk baked earlier.

He got up and stretched, slipped the tiny cloaking devices into his ears and wore his robe. He stepped out of his room, running into Allura and Coran almost immediately. 

"Ack- Oh hey Allura." He says shooting a wink at her. 

She looks confused for a second and then forces a smile and says, "Lance! What are you doing up to late."

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Today's the White Star Festival." She says, "It's a night where all the Alteans are 'blessed' by our White Star. It's an ancient tradition to stay up and look into the White Star. Today's the day where all Alteans usually get their energy to do any task."

Coran interrupted, "Actually Princess, There's a legend that states that Today is the day when the glorious White Star gives us it's life force. But that's truly not correct. Altean bodies absorb energy for useless sources and acts like a converter to give to all the creatures that need this energy. The day of the White Star Festival, for some unknown reason all Alteans absorb too much energy and therefore are extremely energized. Well, all Alteans except for Romelle it seems."

"Sure if that's what you say." Lance says shrugging, not wanting to bother them anymore, "Imma go to the kitchen for some cookies."

"Wait." Coran says the looks at Allura, " Should we tell him that Kieth's in the kitchen."

Allura half-snorted, "I don't care about what happens to that Galra scum."

"Allura-" Coran began.

"We shall not talk about this tonight. Today is a day for happiness." 

Lance pokes his head into the hallway they both were in and yelled, "DID YOU SAY SOMETHING??" 

"Umm, no Lance." Both say at the same time.

He nods and makes his way to get some cookies.

Unfortunately Kieth was there. And he was eating cookies too.

"Hey." Lance says walking in and leaning against the table thing, "Me wanna cookie."

Kieth gave him an odd look and handed the poor boy a cookie.

"Wire roo ap?" He asked Kieth, his mouth full of cookie.

"Couldn't sleep. You?"


The uncomfortable silence began and as usual Lance hated it, " Hi, how was heaven when you left it?" Welp, there he goes with the pick up lines again.


"'Cause you're so hot?"

"Because I set it on fire."

Lance tosses his hands up, "Why do you have to be soooo eeeeemmmooooo?" 

Kieth shrugs, " I'm going to the Training Deck."

"Wow. All you ever do is be Emo and Train."

Kieth doesn't say anything and Lance sighs, "I'm coming with you."

Both of them walk to the Training Deck. Lance quickly wears the Paladin armor as Kieth inputs the Training Instructions.

"Level 23." A robotic voice from above them says, " Robots Level 41 and Drones Level 35. Level Initiate."

Kieth's Bayard materalizes in his hands and after a few tries so does Lance's. 

The Drones swarm in and the robots appear from the top.

Kieth POV-

The sound of the robots here usually calm me down, but Lance was here too. What if he wasn't able to handle Level 35 drones. Should I have put it in a lower level?

I form my sword and attack the first Robot, driving the blade into it's chest, flipping off it, back flipping behind another, stabbing it through its back. From the other side, I could hear Lance's lasers firing and a lot of blasts. I slice a robot and cut off another's head. 


A laser shot fires an inch away from my head, "Lance! What the fu-"

"Look behind you Mullet." He yells shooting a bunch of robots advancing towards him. Shit, I completely forgot! Pidge programmed a 'Clever' Level. I must have activated it.

A group of Drones flew in while Lance was fighting the robots. I cut up the last robot here and throw my sword, slicing the gun the last robot was attacking with.

"Lan-" I begin trying to warn him.

But he was already there. His Bayard flashed and turned into a...sword? In one quick motion he swung the sword and cut through all the drones. 

"What was that?" I say staring at him.

"I...dunno. Why's my Bayard an Altean Broadsword." Lance looked almost scared, "It'll change back right?"

 "It shou-"

"Oh my gosh! That's an Altean Broadsword!" Allura said walking in. Her hands were on her mouth, "It's been 10,000 years since I last saw one... my father used to carry one."

Lance's panicked face became even more panicked, "Um. I-I didn't know that." The Bayard deactivated and went into it's dormant form. I swear I never saw Lance look this grateful, "Why are you here, Allura?"

"I heard gunshots."

"Shit!" I'm a huge ass idiot, "I must have forgot to on the soundproof feature."  Why was I screwing everything up today?

"Obviously" Allura said rolling her eyes. 

"Allura, stop treating Kieth like that. You're aliens too." Lance said slowly.

"Well, my species haven't taken over the universe and murdered million." She let out a dry laugh, "My people aren't even alive because of them."

Lance opens his mouth to say something when the blue of the Castle Of Lions turned red.

"Paladins!" Coran's voice rang, " We're under heavy fire. The Galra battleships are almost upon us!"

Allura glared at me like this was all my fault.

I ignored her and ran to the hangers. 


A/N- Shit, I think they are kinda OOC. Welp.

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