Chapter 23: A Demon in the Underworld

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Zero: You shouldn't say words like that lightly, kid, even as a joke.

My change in tone shocks everyone present.

Boy 4: I was serious when I said that.

Zero: Oh, really then tell me, have you ever killed anyone? seen a dead body lying cold, lifeless in front of your feet? or see a person covered in blood after being stabbed or shot?

The more I talk, the more I release a murderous aura around me, which makes everyone shake because my dialogue becomes more and more morbid, if I was aware of what I was saying it would make me shudder too.

The first year also starts to get scared hearing what I said, I use [Misdirection] by dropping my chopsticks on the ground and of course, they follow them with their eyes and then I clap my hands really hard and suddenly it scares everybody.

Then I suddenly disappear in front of their eyes to reappear after the first year until everyone understands what just happened, I slide one hand in front of their eyes and then use the other hand imitating the fangs of a snake with my fingers and press them against its Adam's apple like a snake wrapping itself around its prey, of course with the intention of killing.

Of course, the young man is frightened and deprived of all his landmarks and sight, feeling that something creeps around him like a snake and threatens his integrity and this frightens him to the utmost and tells him that he is going to die.

He lets out a shrill cry that startled everyone and everyone turns to me to see me holding the first year hostage while holding his adam's apple between his fingers ready to rip his throat out in an instant.

Zero: If I was a real murderer and I was armed, your friend would have died instantly.

I tell them, some of them fall on their butts, terrified by the show of force I just made, and then I tell the first year

Zero: This is what happens when you say such dangerous words lightly, this is what it feels like to be helpless and powerless in the face of death. Now dare to say that word to me one more time.

Boy 4: I won't do it again, I won't say things like that without thinking, please spare me.

Zero: And?

Boy 4: I take back what I said about breaking up with your girlfriends, I should never have said that.

When Zero's girlfriends hear that they understand why Zero is upset but they are also upset that someone dares to say that to the person they love.

Zero: And?

The boy who doesn't know what to say is thinking about the one thing he didn't say.

Boy 4: I'm sorry.

Zero: See that wasn't so hard.

I say as I release him, with a smile on my face making my murderous aura disappear, he falls to the ground and drags himself towards his comrades.

Zero: Well now for good measure for disturbing my meal and destroying my bento I'm going to beat you up properly.

I crack my fists and begin to approach them...

Boy 1: Please spare us.

When Sakuya hears that her lovingly homemade bento was trashed by those guys a murderous aura begins to form and she's getting ready to join me to beat the boys but the girls in my group are holding her back to avoid a bloodbath.

Rias with Akeno watches what happens and she starts to think how lucky she is not to have Zero in her peerage because he would be impossible to handle, he is powerful but the problems he would bring with him would cause more problems than benefits for her.

Chronicle of Zero (Self Insert) [Hiatus]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя