At this exact moment there was a scream. At this both the white wolf and Sam looked up to see Ms. Uley screaming before she promptly fell to the floor unconscious. The wolf seemed to rush into action before Sam could but than Sam suddenly grabbed her tail yanking her back which caused a yelp before Sam commanded in a voice that made her freeze "Stop!" And then that same commanding voice was gone as he asked "What are you doing? You think she wants to see the white wolf snuggling up to her trying to make friends?! Go shift back into a human."

And with that Azazel let Sam tend to his mother. In the time it took Azazel to finally shift back into a human and put clothes on, Sam had set his mother on the couch in the living room and trying to wake her up by calling her name repeatedly. "That won't work. Do you have smelling salts?" At the look of confusion Azazel backtracked "Do you have rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs?"

With a nod Sam left Allison Uley in Azazel's care as Azazel checked the heart rate, too high, and the pupil dilation, normal, hands, sweaty and clammy. "Is she going to be okay?" He asked his voice shaking and Azazel paused glancing at him and grabbing the bottle and cotton balls.

" She's going to be fine. She just fainted so this ought to bring her back. Quit your whining." Azazel drawled at him sloshing some of the alcohol on the cotton. As she wafted the smell under Ms. Uley's nose she did her best to hate how this small touch of familiarity made a lump in her throat grow.

"What are you doing?"

"It's to help her wake up. My brother and I learned this when our dad would pass out from fear." Azazel answered and Sam did his best to keep himself from asking further questions. He never knew she had a brother... but suddenly that little boy that he'd see in her minds eyes made sense.

Sam's mother stirred and any curiosity For Azazel's past was replaced by a curiosity for his mother's wellbeing. "Mom? Are you alright?" As he slowly pulled her into a sitting position he couldn't help but confess. "You scared me mom."

Ms. Uley pinches the bridge of her nose "I'm alright... I could have sworn... that girl was here. What's her name? Azula? A-"

"Azazel." The girl made her presence known setting down two cups of tea. "This isn't the first bout of fainting I've seen. It's caused by lack of sleep, Ms. Uley I don't wish to nag but those circles under your eyes are starting to look like bruises. This is chamomile, helps you rest better by relieving some of that anxiety you've been feeling." At this she threw a glare Sam's way making him realize that she had noticed his lack of sleep as well.

Ms. Uley remained silent before asking "You have a brother?"

Sam's jaw dropped while Azazel's tightened. "Had." She set down the cups onto the table and without much else action she was gone.


Two hours later Azazel was sitting on the beaches in La Push, well past her curfew. Her toes were in the cold icy water and if she closed her eyes she could swear that she could hear her father telling her, "This time of year isn't meant for a swim. Come on, let's get a cup of tea."

You'd think that with time the pain from losing her brother would be easier but it was six months and every waking moment was still haunted by what she had lost. She dug her fingers into the wet sand and could taste the salt water on her lips.


"Ajax! Wait for us!"

"Marcel, can you blame him for being eager? Oh if you're so concerned, my little cub do you mind following him on the playground?"

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