Special #1

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This is based on the Attack On Titan OVA, so it doesn't affect the story that much (I think) this special will still have some Eren x Reader scenes so read it if you want.. I wanted to write this because the scene was just so perfect for an Eren x Reader so.. ENJOY!!

Early in the morning, Commander Shadis instructed the 104th Training Corps to train. We were divided into two teams. You were in the team with Eren, Armin, Mina, Jean, Krista, Sasha, Connie, and Marco. Armin was the one in charge of record keeping and Marco was the group leader.

We were to make a round trip to our target location and record our progress to said location within a given time. The journey to our destination goes on for about 40km. Both teams set out at the same time, and proceeded towards the huge forest.

We were to trade information at the target location and return to the starting point, completing a loop. The whole objective of this training exercise was to evaluate everyone's ability to sustain themselves in the absence of crisis.

"So.. we're not allowed to rush?" Marco asked while looking back at the group. You nodded in response. The lands were dry and empty, no buildings in sight, and no Titans in sight. 'This is a weird way on training' you thought to yourself as you looked around.

The only sound audible was the sound of writing and horse click-clacks. Like expected if Jean starts an argument, Eren is always the first person to disagree. 'Not again..' you thought to yourself as a quiet groan escaped your mouth.

You looked to your right and saw a lizard walk by. "Geez.. that lizard's joining us in the same route, huh?" Jean asked himself, you smiled and just continued to look ahead. "They're delicious you know? My family and I used to eat them.  They taste like chicken" She commented, which slightly made you gag a little.

The moment you looked away, Jean rushed forward to hunt down the poor lizard. You sigh out of tiredness and frustration. 'Here we go again..' You looked up and saw that he was about to slice the poor thing before Eren interrupted.

"What are you doing?" Jean screamed at the brown haired boy, "This isn't a game!" Ere replied with a frustrated tone. You walked in the middle of them and intervene "Stop this, I don't care if hunting is part of the exercise or not, all I know is we have to continue along this path, got it?" both of the boys nodded and went back to their usual formation.

- - -

You jumped off of your horse tying it to a tree branch. The sky was already dark and the others were making a fire for everyone to gather around a cook some food. You sat down beside Eren and started to eat your portion of the meal.

"So this is what supply food taste like.." Jean complaint as he took another bite of his food. Sasha then commented if they caught the lizard it would've tasted better. "I heard enough about lizards already.." You groaned, Jean was about to bite his food when Eren made another comment.

"Weren't you hunting one?" He stopped from eating and sigh, you on the other hand didn't even bother trying to stop them. Eren stood up from his seat facing the horse faced guy and Jean did the same. You backed off and stayed behind. 'I've had enough bullshit today..' You sigh and finished the last bite.

While Eren and Jean were arguing you heard a suspicious noise behind you, but nothing was present. You got chills and just ignored it thinking it might've been a type of animal. When everyone was done eating, we cleaned up and prepared for sleep.

You didn't feel like sleeping and went to a nearby lake, the moonlight reflecting on the beautiful lake making it magical almost, because everyone went to sleep you were accompanied by your horse. Light tears formed in your eyes, you didn't feel sad or anything but, tears came out anyways.

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