2 years after enlisting

The 104th cadet squad were assigned to run in the heavy rain as training. Everyone was carrying gear which was pretty heavy making the walk harder. Commander Shadis was behind you yelling at the Cadets who are falling behind. You and Mikasa were in front making it hard to hear who was getting scolded.

The rain got heavier as the walk got a lot more steeper but, one Cadet was getting yelled at the most. You looked back and saw your Brother, Armin was the one getting scolded. You weren't surprise but, have the urge to help him.

Finally after you got a bit better and constantly looking back. You rushed to the back of the group and took Armin's gear. He was shocked at first but, you just gave him a reassuring smile. "Y/N, won't you get in trouble if you help me?" you shook your head and just continued to walk.

"It's alright, Armin. I much rather fail than seeing you struggle so much. Besides this is no different from carrying firewood at home but, please keep your pace up. We're being graded on today's training" You stated and walked forward with Armin's gear.

'Y/N Arlert, a strong and determined soldier with great agility. Lacks aggressiveness. She tends to help her comrades and care deeply about them, mostly her Brother'

Suddenly you felt the weight on your back slightly better. Your weak brother managed to gather his strength and ran forward. A grin managed to creep onto your face, proud that your brother isn't gonna give up so easily.

Next was training with the 3D Maneuver Gear. The objective is to 'kill' the Titans roaming around the forest. You managed to get most of them, the target was the nape behind its neck. Some were struggling, some were laughing and some were dead serious. You were in the middle of Eren and Mikasa.

You were amazed at Mikasa's talent. She was fast and strong.. a clear soldier. Eren was still not cutting deep enough to kill a Titan and you keep on hearing him growl and hiss. Never did you thought you would see him to determined.

'Do your best, Everyone and I know we will pass together' you happily thought to yourself as you cut a Titan's nape with your blades.

- - -

The sparring training was a simple training, all you have to do is one of you hold the wooden dagger and the other has to try and grab the wooden dagger. Everyone was assigned a partner and luckily enough.. your partner was "Armin.. I won't go too hard on you. C'mon just try and come for me.. I won't do anything too harsh" The blonde boy was just standing there while you were playing around with the dagger waiting for his attack.

"I-I can't do this.. Y/N you go first" you sighed and gave him the dagger, Maybe commander made us partners so you could teach him something without hurting him too much. You prepared your stance and ran up to him.

Getting close enough to strike. You immediately aimed for the throat using your elbow and forearm without too much strength you pushed his throat with the element of surprise. Luckily that was enough to atleast have time to grab the dagger away from him. "Armin I'm sorry, was that too harsh? I'm sorry" you helped the blonde boy and gave a apologetic smile.

"No, it's fine Y/N you were told to fight and you did. Don't worry I'm used to this kind of thing" You frowned and went back to training, you weren't aiming to hurt Armin and never will but, no matter how much strength you lessened he still losses and always blames himself for it. Whenever you told him to try to attack you he would just stand there and said to switch even though he hasn't went.

When you were taking a break, you saw Eren and Annie trying to fight each other. Out of curiosity you stood up and went to look. Annie kicked Eren's leg from the back making him fall and she pointed the knife towards his throat. 'Should I stop them? Annie is going too far..'

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