The Guardians

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She was supposed to meet the NightWing who created the Dragonet Prophecy. She was less than thrilled.

Kestrel found NightWings stuck-up and just annoying. They decided to help this war by getting a bunch of dragonets involved.

So to say the least, Kestrel REALLY hated NightWings.

At least Morrowseer wasn't a guardian. She could barely handle Webs and Hvitur as it stood. Dune was fine, he understood her and some of her pain even without knowing her story. Dune had been through quite a bit of pain himself.

Asha was alright. She was a bit too happy and excited but she kept it contained around Kestrel. She used that energy around Hvitur. Asha and Hvitur were around each other a lot for being from different tribes.

The guardians were playing some game with one another. It was a getting-to-know-on-another game. Kestrel didn't want to play but Asha had her ways of guilt-tripping Kestrel into things.

"Why did you leave the IceWings? It seems like you're the only one who left or questioned the queen," Asha pointed out.

"Well, I am. Everyone else is completely loyal and I was too. But I couldn't stand the bloodshed. Blood... I hate it, killing," Hvitur said with sorrow in his voice. "Okay, um... Kestrel, why'd you leave the SkyWings?"

Kestrel growled and Asha tried to hid her pity for Kestrel.

"C'mon, Kestrel. You only have to give a reason," Asha stated.

"Fine. I loathe Queen Scarlet with every fiber in me. She is cruel, twisted, and evil," Kestrel snapped.

"Now you ask someone a question," Asha said.

"Fine. Dune, what happened to you?" Kestrel asked.

"I got frostbreathed in battle and was injured for quite sometime. My best friend and general, Six-Claws, was questioning Burn's strategy and Burn punished Six-Claws by  injuring me. Burn told Six-Claws if he disobeyed an order again, I was as good as dead. Six-Claws said some creature told him to leave and go to the Scorpion Den with me," Dune claimed.

Kestrel understood Dune a little more now but who she really felt sorry for was Six-Claws. She knows what it's like to be in that position. Except, Six-Claws was lucky to have one friend and that he was only injured.

Six-Claws left his position as general to save Dune and Dune repaid him by betraying his tribe.

It's not like Kestrel can judge Dune for that because Kestrel did the same to Caracara and Jay.

"So Webs, why'd you leave the SeaWings," Dune asked Webs.

"Well, I hated bloodshed too. I had no reason to, I just did," Webs explained.

"You just left? When you could have stayed?" Kestrel growled at Webs, anger filling her voice.

"Sounds like you did the same. So did Asha, Dune, and Hvitur. Why are you made at me?" Webs asked.

"I know why Asha did, she made the right choice. Sounds to me like Dune had already left. And Hvitur sounds like there's a reason he hates bloodshed," Kestrel snapped.

"So how about you?" Dune retorted. "You have scars."

"Scarlet killed my lover, my second commander, and ordered me to kill me own dragonets! I think I had every right to leave!" Kestrel whisper-roared so no one else heard her.

"Can you go more in depth on that?" Dune asked.

Kestrel sighed and told her life story. How she never had parents and moved into the battle trainer's house. She skipped to when she and Maroon were punished and his death. Then her first commander's death and Kestrel's mate in the breeding program. Then she skipped to her escape with her dragonets and Jay's death.

"Then I ran away, hoping I could find one of my dragonets but I never did," Kestrel finished with a growl.

Every guardian stared at her in surprise. Webs looked at her with pity. Kestrel hated Webs, he had a good life and left it.

"Suppose I should go," Hvitur said. "The IceWings are a tough tribe. Your parents will beat you, starve you, and train you to be a warrior. It was the IceWing norm. We were about eleven when the war started and able to fight. We went into our first battle and I was slow compared to the adult dragons. My sister, who was slightly faster, dove at me. She died, saving me from a blast of SandWing fire and I hit the ground with her on top of me. The first five years of the war, I lost my sister, soulmate, and best friend.

"Every time I saw blood, I had flashbacks of each and every one of them and couldn't fight in battle. I asked the queen to do something else and she agreed. I became a medic and my mother came in for a hard landing in battle. I watched blood come out of her mouth until she died. My father was enraged I couldn't save her and I suffered a few beatings until I left. Then I ended up here," Hvitur explained with sorrow.

Everyone let Hvitur have a moment of silence before Asha went and explained why she was here. She gave as much detail as she did when she had talked to Kestrel.

Asha's story was interrupted by a huge NightWing and Nautilus landing at the entrance of the cave.

"Guardians, come now," the NightWing growled.

Winglet: TragedyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ