A New Enemy

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Kestrel was not ready but she would never be. A private meeting with the new queen, what could go wrong?

Her back was against Maroon's stomach and his wing was wrapped around her. This was the first time she let him do it, even though he asked every night for two years.

She only did it because of what Caracara had said about letting her walls down a little. 

It seemed to make Maroon happier. Then again, Maroon always liked to hold something when he went to bed. He has been like that since he was a dragonet.

Kestrel hadn't told him that she needed to leave at midnight tonight to go to Scarlet's throne room. She didn't want him to stay up all night waiting for her like he did last time she was in trouble with Crimson. 

Crimson had her flying four laps around the castle as a dragonet when she misbehaved. As a dragonet, it took her an hour or two, including breaks if she was lucky. Maroon stayed up, every time, and waited for her to be in bed before he allowed himself to sleep. Kestrel occasionally did they same for him. OCCASIONALLY. 

Kestrel sighed and rolled out of bed slowly, quietly, and carefully. She smiled at Maroon. AH! Why did she smile so much?

And why did it feel so good?

Kestrel thought she was feeling happiness. It was the first time this feeling had come into her life, Kestrel wasn't sure what to do about it. 

It was a nice feeling, though, and Kestrel wanted to live in it forever.

Unfortunately, that was impossible. Life was always there to burst a bubble. 

Kestrel took a few deep breaths, leaving her face blank. She brushed hersef off so she was presentable to the queen. Kestrel took one last look at Maroon, who was still sleeping peacefully. She quietly and quickly walked out of their home and took off for the palace.

Kestrel landed at the front entrance and the guards let her through. They must know she had a meeting with the queen.

The throne room was bright, even in the middle of the night. It was adorned in jewels and it hurt Kestrel's eyes. It took Kestrel a few moments to adjust.

Scarlet was wearing a necklace, earrings, and a few bracelets made of gold with rubies. Kestrel did her best to respectful and look her in the eyes but all the shimmering gold made it difficult for her eyes not to water.

"Don't be disrespectful to the queen, now," Scarlet claimed, giving Kestrel a look.

Kestrel nodded and bowed. How could she be so stupid and forget the number one rule of being in the throne room?

"I didn't think you were so disrespectful," Scarlet hissed.

"My most sincere apologize, Your Majesty," Kestrel answered as she stood again. 

Kestrel had begun to worry that the queen was going to be even more outraged. Scarlet obviously was already made at her and Kestrel may have made it worse.

"I believe you owe more apologizes to me than that," Scarlet growled. She stared at Kestrel, waiting for the apologizes Kestrel needed to give.

"I am ever so sorry, Your Majesty, for interrupting you queening ceremony for a dragon hovering over the stadium, most likely waiting to kill you," Kestrel claimed as nicely as she could. I'm almost wishing I let him kill you.

"Again, without sounding like it was my fault and without the sarcasm clearly lying behind your voice," Scarlet stated, clearly angry.

I'm sorry you're so stupid. "I'm sorry I was disrespectful and interrupted your queening ceremony, Your Majesty," Kestrel said, as respectful as she could.

"Oh that was a thrilling adventure, wasn't it? I hadn't realized how hard that must have been," Scarlet stated in her I-won voice. "Tsk-tsk, what should your punishment be?"

Punishment? What for? Doing her job and protecting the queen and her tribe?

Kestrel began to have a hatred for the new queen. Kestrel never liked Scarlet but now, Scarlet made one new enemy first day being queen. Her queenship would never last, Kestrel was sure of that. 

"I have a thrilling idea!" Scarlet announced, gracefully walking off her throne. "Come along, now."

Kestrel followed Queen Scarlet. Scarlet, at first, seemed like she was heading to the arena but then she went another direction. The direction that lead toward the dungeons. Kestrel began to panic. 

Two guards were behind her and two by Queen Scarlet's side. If Kestrel could take the two in the back out, she could fly back to Maroon. Then they escape together. 

But was it really fair to drag him into this?

No, if Kestrel left him, Scarlet would surely punish him or use him in some way to get Kestrel back. There was no way Maroon could live a normal life once Kestrel left.

Scarlet whispered something in the guards ears. The two next to her took off and flew back the way they came.

They had stopped in the hallway and Kestrel looked around. There were a pair of keys in Scarlet's claws, the keys to the cell. There were plenty of open jail cells. What were they waiting for? If they wanted to put her in jail, they would have already. 

The two guards came back with Maroon in their claws. He was limp and could barely keep his eyes open. He had clearly put up a fight for the guards. The guards set him down and went back to Scarlet's side, bleeding.

Scarlet ignored them and grabbed Maroon's neck and shoved him to the wall. Kestrel roared and launched herself at Scarlet. The guards behind her grabbed her and held her back from the queen.

"Tell me, Maroon, do you love Kestrel? Answer honestly or I'll have her killed," Scarlet snapped.

Claws wrapped around Kestrel's snout and Kestrel fought back. They guards slammed her head onto the concrete and Kestrel felt a crack. She screamed and fell limp. Kestrel was barely staying conscious.

"I love Kestrel. It took me a few years to realize it and I did once we moved out of my parent's house and into our own to save money. I thought we could live normal, happy SkyWing lives and not like this. Kestrel doesn't deserve it, she needs happiness," Maroon growled. He sounded more angry than sad.

Kestrel heard something hit the floor and her vision was slowly coming back. She saw Scarlet stalk toward her. 

Scarlet pinned Kestrel by Kestrel's neck and growled, "You BOTH disrupted my ceremony, therefore, it is only right if you're both punished."

Kestrel stared into Scarlet's cold, threatening eyes with the slightest fear. 

"Lock him up," Scarlet ordered. 

"NO!" Kestrel roared, her voice cracking.

"As for you, you will have to watch him be whipped every day for however long I decide. You'll also have to take his shifts and you say a word to ANYONE, I will kill him," Scarlet laughed.

Kestrel wanted to cry for the first time in her life. 

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