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Caracara had her working "extra" shifts. Kestrel was worn to the bone but she pushed on. Maroon was, so she could too.

Caracara's "extra" shifts were Kestrel's but when the queen or one of her minions weren't watching them, Peak, Robin, Jay, and Caracara took them. Kestrel could wake up quickly and get into position. So far, Caracara's plan had worked and Kestrel actually slept more than three hours and ate at least one meal.

Part of Kestrel felt bad because Maroon didn't have any help but if Kestrel were to survive, she needed help, as much as Kestrel hates it.

She wants to live a happy life with Maroon and to do that, they both need to live.

Kestrel's mouth was dry and her throat was sore. She need to drink some cool, refreshing water. Kestrel felt dizzy and her muscles were so sore, they felt like they would fall off.

She pushed on because that was the one thing she was good at, her special talent.

Maroon was going to be whipped forty times tonight. Kestrel didn't think he would make it. He was growing weaker day by day. Scarlet didn't let anyone treat his wounds and some of them became infected. Kestrel wasn't sure he would hold out much longer.

He was tough but a dragon can only take so much of everything before they collapse. Kestrel knew she herself, was nearing that point but Maroon was going to break first. Kestrel knew it.

Kestrel was becoming thinner by the day. She would die of hunger before exhaustion. Exhaustion had never stopped her and it never will.

The queen was at Caracara's squad, mostly observing Kestrel. While the queen was here, Kestrel had the hardest and longest jobs. When the queen left, Kestrel got a break.

"It must be so hard for you, you poor old dragon," Falcon said with a smile.


Kestrel roared some more curse words at Falcon before Falcon began crying. Kestrel stopped roaring. She stopped, because that's what Maroon would've wanted her to do. She stopped for him.

I'm a monster without him... why do I deserve him?

She apologized to Falcon and Falcon apologized to Kestrel. Kestrel beat herself up mentally. She can take insults without lashing out, she was trained to. Besides, she had to deal with Queen Scarlet all day, most days.

Falcon continued to soar through the clouds without saying a word. Kestrel almost admired her for speaking her mind and speaking her mind to Kestrel. To a tired, overworked, hungry Kestrel, nonetheless. That takes a few guts.

They dropped off the supplies at Commander Edge's camp and took off back to Commander Caracara's camp.

Falcon was doing fairly well for being the annoying, useless dragonet Kestrel thought she was. She actually made it through training.

It didn't make her less annoying, however.

"How do you do it, two jobs?" Falcon asked.

"You're a nosy little scavenger, aren't you?" Kestrel snapped.

Kestrel couldn't afford to tell Falcon everyone else in the camp was helping her. No one in the camp trusted her, considering she's only been at their squad for a week or so now. Falcon didn't have full allegiance to her squad and technically, you shouldn't. Full loyalty goes to the queen.

But in Caracara's squad, everyone is loyal to one another. Mostly because Caracara and Jay are dating and Kestrel and Maroon were too. Kestrel was also sure Peak and Robin were dating but Kestrel wasn't for sure on that.

Maybe Falcon could be trusted but Kestrel didn't want to take any chances. Everyone had ties to someone in Caracara's squad, even though it was against the rules, but Falcon. It made Falcon less understanding, or so the group thought.

Caracara had been a commander for two months with Peak, Robin, and Jay. They were all loyal to one another. Since Kestrel's arrival, Kestrel noticed they were weary of her. Kestrel was sure Caracara talked to her because Caracara needed another girl to have some "fun" with. By fun, Kestrel means, hunting. They had both enjoyed it.

Caracara flew up to Falcon and Kestrel and looked at Kestrel with a startling urgency. She said, "Kestrel, the queen wants you now. You may resume your post when Queen Scarlet is done with you."

"Yes ma'am," Kestrel claimed and she took off toward the castle.

The queen probably wanted her to witness another one of Maroon's whippings. Kestrel wouldn't stand for it anymore. She was going to threaten the guards with Scarlet's life. Their one duty is to protect her, then obey her. So they will hear out Kestrel's demands.

Anger fueled her and she pushed on. This was the last time the queen dared to mess with Kestrel and Maroon. The. Last. Time.

Winglet: TragedyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora