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Scarlet's queening ceremony was arriving quickly. Everyone was trying to get her on the throne as soon as possible since the death of Queen Magenta. Technically, Scarlet was already queen, but Scarlet being Scarlet, she wanted a huge queening ceremony. Scarlet tended to overdo and overexagerate things.

Kestrel didn't really care as long as Scarlet left Maroon and Kestrel alone. They have been dating for sometime now.

She was hoping for an egg soon. Maybe she could have the family she never had growing up. Maybe, just maybe.

They lived together at the moment because it saved money. Otherwise, they had no reason. Well, since they were dating, it made a little sense.

No one knew they were dating and they did their best to keep it that way. So their excuse was the money thing.

Kestrel grabbed her spear and walked out of her tent. She was supposed to patrol the Sky Kingdom with her squad. Her squad consisted of Peak, Robin, Caracara, Jay, and herself. Most other squads were larger than hers but Caracara was a new general so she was only entrusted with four dragons. Their squad would get bigger when Caracara became more experienced.

Peak was very stubborn. He loved watching things from a distance and forming a plan with every detail worked out. That's probably why he wasn't a general. He would ask everyone to calm down so he could get to a logical solution in situations when they had little time to think.

Jay was the most relaxed. He was cool with whatever and tried to be funny. Kestrel learned that he and Caracara were dating when their squad had to camp in a cave one night. She noticed they were sleeping close together and when Kestrel asked what was going on, Caracara confessed and asked her to keep it a secret, for it was prohibited. 

Caracara was a quick thinker and learner. She was fast and very protective, especially over Jay. She was perhaps Kestrel's favorite dragon. Caracara didn't take lies, she didn't make it her job to care about everyone and know everyone very well. (If you ask Kestrel, she'll say it was a good thing Caracara was her commander.)

Now lastly, Robin. Robin was good at following orders, not much else. He was quiet and observed everyone from a good distance.

Kestrel actually liked her squad. Nobody was nosing around in everyone else's business and they didn't try to have more of a relationship with one another than commander and soldiers. Kestrel felt at home with these dragons... maybe Peak less so. But she considered Jay, Caracara, and Robin good dragons. Friends wasn't the word for their kind of relationship except maybe for Caracara, it was.

"Hey, soldier, I need to have a word with you," Caracara claimed, grabbing Kestrel's arm. 

Kestrel growled and shook herself away from Caracara and followed her. They had went back into Kestrel's tent.

"Peak has fallen ill and I can't have a squad of four. The minimum is six and I'm barely getting away with five. So, we have two new recruits from other squads and one new trainee. I'm going to nominate you second in command," Caracara explained, staring at Kestrel with a stone cold expression.

"Yes, ma'am," Kestrel responded.

"One other thing, Kestrel. You need to let your walls fall down once in awhile, especially for your lover. I can tell he feels distant from you, that was how Jay felt with me. I adapted quickly but I think you can too. You just need a little reminder you can't be a machine forever. Find some happiness, there is a little in every dragon's life. Now, c'mon. I'm not letting you miss another game. That's an order," Caracara said.

"Yes ma'am," Kestrel replied, looking straight ahead.

Caracara walked out of Kestrel's tent and Kestrel gave the wall a quick eye roll before catching up to Caracara.

She saw Peak and Robin looking at everything on high alert while Jay grinned ridiculously at Caracara as she walked over toward him. 

The sun was going to set in about an hour, Kestrel estimated. 

"Today's game is a little hide n' fight. Here are the rules, one dragon takes off in one direction and we scatter as he or she returns. Her job is to track us down, take us prisoner back to the campfire, and then the 'prisoner' helps the first dragon track down everyone else before sunset. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Now, Kestrel, mind starting us off?"

"No, ma'am," Kestrel said as she jumped into the sky. 

Kestrel flew a few hundred yards before turning around and heading toward their camp. Kestrel was sure she would win and find all of them. Caracara was the only one Kestrel was slightly worried about. 

The leaves in the trees rustled slightly and Kestrel landed fifty yards from it. She slowly crept closer to the tree, keeping low to the ground. Kestrel looked around the clearing and saw an orange wing.

She walked behind the dragon and pounced on him. She pinned Robin's wings, forearms, and neck down. She picked him up and held a dagger by his neck as she lead him toward the campfire. She let go of his neck at the campfire and he gave her a look. Kestrel pretended to ignore him. 

One down, three to go, she thought.

Kestrel saw talon tracks and followed them, again keeping low to the ground. 

The whooshing of wings startled Kestrel and she whipped around to face the threat. Kestrel got into the position to attack: wings up, keeping low to the ground, let her tail up slightly, teeth barred, growling, and her claws touching the ground lightly for a quick take-off if necessary. 

"Hey, is this General Caracara's encampment?" a familiar dragon asked.

"Yes it is, soldier. Who are you and why are you here?" Kestrel growled, eyeing her suspiciously as Kestrel began to relax slightly.

"Hey, guys, we're good!" the dragon called before addressing Kestrel. "I was in your training class, Kestrel! But I got held back a year, remember? I'm Falcon!"

Oh great... her!

She watched him fly over the trees and toward them. She immediately went into her guard's pose. At least he was here.

Maroon landed with such grace, Kestrel nearly sighed. Kestrel restrained herself from doing so, keeping her guard's pose.

"Also, the queen has ordered everyone to be in the arena stadium in ten minutes for her crowning," Maroon added.

Oh course, Falcon always left out some detail!

This was lovely... JUST LOVELY! 

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