"Forget me?"

"Basically...but it didn't work," Camila sighed snuggling closer. "All I could think about was you."

She started rubbing circles on the athlete's stomach.

"It wasn't until tonight I realized how possessive she is," the brunette said remembering how crazy the girl was.

"Tell me about," Lauren drawled.

The brunette took a moment to remember Ariana's words in the bathroom. "What did she mean by history repeats itself?" Camila asked with wonder.

Lauren was hesitant to answer but decided not to hold back from the girl she loved any longer.

"It was because of what happened two years ago. One day after school Grande caught me and Jessica kissing behind the school."

"Who was Jessica?"

"Her girlfriend..."

"Oh..." Camila said quietly.

"Yeah...so then we ended up fighting and she was suspended for two weeks. I pleaded self defense so they let me off the hook. I ended with a pretty bad black eye though."

"Aw," Camila said sitting up a bit to look at Laur. "Which eye was it?"

"This right eye," Lauren said pointing.

The brunette bent down and kissed the eye that was pointed to.

"But...why were you kissing Jessica if she was already taken?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, she came on to me," Laur said. "What was I supposed to do?"

"Say no," Camila teased.

Lauren gave a half smile. "That wasn't gonna happen. My hormones were a little crazier back then."

Camila chuckled and then laid her head back down on Lauren's shoulder.

"Did you kiss Ariana ?" The green eyed asked afraid of the answer.

The brunette was silent making Lauren sit up bringing Madison with her. "Camz? Did you?"

Camila ducked her head before answering. "Yes...we did."

Lauren swallowed a lump in her throat. "You did...really?"

The brunette looked up to greet saddened emerald eyes. Camila gave her best puppy look to Lauren and reached over gently rubbing her stomach again.

"Laur...I..." the brunette started but Lauren put a hand up to silence her.

"It's okay...we weren't together," She said softly looking down.

Camila softly kissed Laur on cheek. "I promise to make it up to you as soon as your lip is better," She smiled.

"Okay..." the dark haired relented.

The two settled back down in their previous cuddle position.

"Was there tongue?"


"Was there?"

Camila let out a sigh. "No...there was no tongue..."

Laur smiled smugly. "Good," she said pulling her girlfriend tighter.

"I guess Ariana it's not the only possessive one around here," the brunette joked.

"I'm not possessive...just..."


"Yeah...okay...I was jealous," Lauren replied quietly.

"Hmmm...well you don't have to be..." Camila whispered kissing her on the neck then settling back down. "...because I only love you."

This made the basketball player smile to herself. "I love you too."

Around 12 am the Cabello's entered their home quietly to find two sleeping forms on the couch. Camila still had her head tucked into Laur shoulder and a secure arm around the girl's waist. Both had content smiles on their faces as they slumbered.

"Well...I never expected this," Sinu whispered to her husband.

Alejandro loosened his collar and smiled slightly. "Whatever happened between them must have been pretty rough. Look at Lauren's face," he said upon spotting the green eyed injuries.

"Yeah...but they look happy now," Sinu smiled happy her daughter would be complete again. "Come on, let's let them sleep," She said dragging her husband away.

The End...for now

* * * * *

*Note: Hey guys!
Good day, everyone.
I hope you are doing well this morning? :D

Finally completed! Yay!

Thanks so much for taking your time to read this story and voting as well ❤️
Comments are very welcome :)

And remember... #stayathome 👌

Umm...Do I see a sequel coming up? 👀

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