Part 6

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The rain pounded on the ground like a drum, the beat wild and fierce. My heavy breathing clashed was all I could hear as I ran. Why am I running? I feel the ache in my legs as I run faster, feeling as if I stopped running the world would end. The city was dark, not even the stars shown through the thick dark clouds, he could barely even see where he was putting his feet anymore,

"NO!" I heard a cry from a familiar voice. Leatherhead... He began to run faster, he needed to get Leatherhead. Please let him be safe. He can help. He can do better, Leatherhead. Leatherhead, LEATHERHEAD! I see him fighting back against hundreds of Krang, and he was losing. I ran but, no matter how fast I was running I couldn't reach him. I need to save him though. He's my best friend. He can't die, no! "LEATHERHEAD!" I screeched as I saw he was zapped once more. That one zap, the one zap pushed him back into the portal. "NOOOO!" I screamed as I fell onto my knees, saying it isn't true. His last words rang in my ears, "This is all your fault. This is all your fault. This is all your fault THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I covered my ears and shook my head vigorously. I know it's my fault, leave me alone, I'm sorry, I will repent. I will take down the Krang. I'm so sorry. Leatherhead. I cried, I cried until I couldn't tell if it was the rain or my tears. My brothers stood in front of me, "Useless" "Idiot" "Murderer"

I am a murderer, the worst best friend, I am only a clown who doesn't deserve to live. I am nothing. Leo came forward with his kanta in hand raising it above his head. I stared up at my oldest brother in horror as he swung down, right to my he-

Third POV

Mikey woke up in a cold sweat, breathing erratically. He looked around, 'where am i?' Mikey tried rubbing the tears out of his eyes but something was stopping him. Why can't he feel his arms?! What he could not see was Donnie trying to calm him down and his 2 other brothers trying to hold him down while his father stared in horror and disbelief.

"Mikey! You're okay! Mikey!" Donnie cried as Mikey continued to thrash around.

"Mikey! Calm the shell down! We won't hurt ya!" Ralph tried to soothe as he clutched his youngest brother's hand.

"Bro! It's okay it's us! Remember Leo~" Suprisingly that was what got Mikey to stop, instantly. His eyes became half lidded and instead of a bright blue, they were a lifeless gray as if they were glass. The tears that had been falling down his face also stopped abruptly scaring his brothers even more. They all stare.

"Michelanglo?" Splinter asked, breaking the silence. His youngest turtle looked up with his dull lifeless eyes, they had taken off his mask thus his bags from sleepless nights were visible to them all. His arms and legs were too skinny. They almost looked like twigs. They all looked at Mikey as if he was an alien unsure what to say or do. Mikey on the other hand seemed to have collected himself as he pulled off the IV bag and rubbed his eyes and face with his bandaged arms and hands. He sniffled as he knew his family now knew. THEY KNEW. All the cutting he had done. His punishments. His secret. With his grey eyes he looked at each individual family member, as he felt so many emotions pool at the bottom of his stomach; Anger, fear, guilt horror churning in his empty stomach. Mikey unsure what else to do, leaned over to the side to where he knew was a trash pail and threw up. 

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