"I would have been waiting for you for the rest of my life. You're sentenced to die I hope you know. I couldn't just sit back and watch that happen to my best friend." Harry shot back angrily.

"Harry...you weren't supposed to do this. You'll probably be imprisoned for life." I leaned my forehead against the bars in frustration.

"It was worth the risk and besides, more are coming. We'll probably be rescued within the next day or so." Harry said.

"No, Harry! We can't be rescued. It's impossible, they've tripled security. I'm not getting out of here and now neither are you." I was angry with him for getting himself captured.

It was supposed to just be me. I'd pay for everything we've done and the others could go on without me. But Harry got his idiotic ass thrown in a cell and he was never going to be free again, not to mention all the others with him. I slammed my fist against the bars of my cell, wishing I had the power to save him. Harry wasn't an evil person. He was just so loyal to me that he did everything evil I asked him to do. It was my fault he was here. I currupted him.


I looked up from the floor and Prince Finn was standing there in front of me. How the hell did he sneak in here unnoticed? Giving him a suspicious look, I tried to stand tall even though my midsection hurt like a bîtch.

"Where's Aria?" I asked.

"She wanted me to come down here and check on you." He replied simply.

"Why didn't she come herself?" I frowned.

The prince shrugged. "Not sure. She wouldn't give me straight answers. Just wanted me to come here and see if you were alright."

"I'm fine." I lied, wondering why she hadn't come to see me when she was now free to do so.

"Is that blood on your face?" He asked, stepping closer.

He must trust me somewhat now because I could easily reach through the bars and strangle him to death if I wanted to. But I didn't want to. I rubbed my mouth my sleeve.

"Nah just dirt. Haven't showered in days." I lied again.

"Whatever. If you're fine great. She seemed worried about you for some reason but didn't explain why." He shrugged and turned to leave. Pausing, he glanced back. "Do you love my sister for real?"

I nodded. "More than anything."

He spent a moment just staring at me and then left silently. It was eerie how quietly he could move, seeming to blend into the shadows. The fact that Aria seemed to think I wasn't okay made me wonder if she knew that I had been beat up. So why hadn't she come herself? Would she come again? Something seemed to be going on, but I had no idea what. It made me worry for her, but there was nothing I could do about it.

• Aria's POV •

"I'd like to reinstate Felix as my bodyguard." I said to my father as he sat behind a sturdy mahogany desk in his study.

He folded his hands together. "I demoted him on purpose dear. He failed to bring you home."

"He was being held prisoner. He tried to save me. He came running onto the property with bullets flying at him from every direction, but he got caught. They put that shock collar on him so he couldn't speak or step out of line at all. He followed me everywhere and made sure I was safe with no thought toward himself. Trust me dad, I wouldn't be safer with any other guard."

The King sighed as studied his hands. "But sweetheart-"

"No, father. I'm sorry. I respect you, but I won't take no for an answer. You're executing my husband so the least you could do is let me choose my own bodyguard." I demanded.

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