Chapter 10

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" we'll need to take him to Radiology for a CAT scan," Doctor Goodman said. Erratum and Blue glanced at each other, confirming that they had, indeed, been transported to a weird place- that not-so-human boy said it was called the Ask Realm -in the middle of their hospital visit. No one besides them would remember anything, and apparently time didn't pass while they were there. Really, the whole experience seemed surreal, but, then again, Blue was literally dating a god of destruction from another multiverse, so...

They were snapped out of their thoughts when the doctor added, "Erratum, was it? You get to ride in a wheelchair so you don't get hurt!" He tried to make it sound exciting. "Since you have a pretty bad head injury, you have a possibility of passing out or falling and making your head hurt even more." Erratum just slowly nodded, still weirded out by the whole "hi-uh-yeah-you-guys-are-book-characters-and-also-here-are-some-random-people-asking-personal-questions-oh-and-only-you-two-will-remember-this-lol-see-ya" thing. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "AnD BlUe WiLl RiDe WiTh Me," he declared, hopping into the wheelchair. "Wait, no, that's not how it- Oh, alright, fine," the doctor conceded as Blue yeeted himself next to Erratum.

"$o, HoW f4sT c4n Th1s Th1nG g0?" wondered Erratum.

"I dunno, let's find out," Blue suggested mischievously.

"...Let's not," suggested Nightmare, wheeling them out into the hall.

Unfortunately, the children thought otherwise. As soon as they were in the nice, wide-open, surprisingly-empty hallways, Blue began spinning the wheels as fast as he could while Erratum shoved Nightmare's hands off the handles, surreptitiously using blue magic to make sure the wheelchair didn't tip over. Nightmare, Dust, and Horror, as well as the doctor, ran after them. "Stairs ahead!" shouted Blue. There were, indeed, stairs, about twenty feet ahead of the Daring Duo, which Erratum just made up on the spot because he felt like they should have a name. Erratum grinned. "$p3eD uP. 1 h4v3 a Pl4n." The adults ran faster. Surely they wouldn't-

But they did. The wheelchair flew down the stairs, kids still "safely" in it. When the stairs took a turn, Erratum used his strings to whirl their makeshift contraption in the right direction. The stairs opened up onto the lobby, which was full of people. Luckily, most of them were sitting down. Unluckily, there was someone directly in their path. There wasn't enough time for him to move, so Erratum did the only thing he could think of doing. He summoned two angled bones out of the ground, right in front of the wheelchair.

The bones acted like a ramp, launching the chair well over the monster's head. Erratum quickly unsummoned the bones and glanced behind him. The adults had caught up to them in time to see what he did, and were standing there in shock. Giving them a mock salute, he zoomed away, urging Blue to go even faster.

Nightmare was starting to regret waking up that morning. What the hell WERE these kids?!? Normal 5-year-olds do not a) go down the stairs in a wheelchair with b) another skeleton turning the wheels to ensure it's at top speed after c) getting a major skull fracture and d) acting perfectly calm about the whole thing! He rushed after the giggling pair of skeletons, arriving in the lobby just in time to see them about to run over an elderly turtle monster. Before anyone could react, Erratum used magic and formed a ramp out of bones. Although, now that he was thinking about it, he really shouldn't have been surprised about that particular thing. What he should have been surprised about, though, was the fact that it worked! They flew safely over the monster's head and landed perfectly. Nightmare had a strong suspicion that Erratum had used magic so the chair didn't tip over, but still! He even turned around and jokingly saluted Nightmare, Dust, Horror, the several nurses that had joined the chase, and the doctor himself before zooming off!

Dust was, to say the least, both extremely worried and mildly impressed. The kiddos stole a wheelchair, big deal. The kiddos used said wheelchair to escape and flung themselves down the stairs while on it, they've got metaphorical guts. This was also when Dust began worrying for their sanity, though. What really made him impressed was when they fricking launched themselves over a monster's head and actually landed it. Horror seemed to have a similar view of the scenario, as they shared an incredulous look of 'what-the-everloving-french-toast-did-I-just-see' and 'holy-cow-those-are-our-kiddos-they're-so-awesome'.

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