How to take care of your Blue

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This isn't really a chapter bc I didnt feel like writing the main story but enjoy anyways!
This is a guide on how to take care of your Blue, written by Erratum.

In the morning, your Blue possesses enough energy to vibrate, so be careful. He will literally bounce off the walls if you give him sugar or caffeine before noon. Your Blue will often wake up before you, so be sure to hide your candy well.

Your Blue loves attention and affection, so be sure to spend plenty of time with him. He will particularly enjoy games such as tag, as it requires large amounts of energy to play. Be careful though, as your Blue loves doing risky things like jumping off the roof. He knows full well of the danger, he just doesn't care.

Your Blue also loves to cook, but try to supervise him in the kitchen. His favourite thing to make is tacos, so be sure to complement him on them. Even if they're not that good (which they are), it'll boost his spirits.

Don't anger your Blue. Blues are very scary when they're angry. He can and will kill you if you've done enough. Don't let his cuteness fool you, he can summon and use a warhammer that's twice as big as he is.

The end. Take care of your Blue.

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