future plans (Not discontinuing)

527 40 27

shoot, it's been a while huh

i really want to update more frequently. i love writing and i love writing children of chaos, i feel bad that i haven't updated in so long. i'm having some trouble with my longterm plans for the story that i've been procrastinating on working out pretty much since the day it started and writing hasn't been high on my priorities, but honestly i think i'll feel so much better if i start writing again and get this weight off that's hanging over my head.

i feel bad that i've left so many people waiting on more content, but more than that i need to do this for myself too. children of chaos is something i enjoyed writing and thinking about so much and i don't want to let that fade away. i want to prove to myself that i can persevere.

that being said... it's been almost (and over) 4 years since the majority of my writing. i've changed a lot as a person and a writer since then. i left and then eventually rejoined the undertale fandom. i know i won't be able to write the book with the same style i used to write in and i need to do some serious rethinking about the tone and plot before i'm able to continue it. i feel like the story doesn't have a direction and i'm not happy with a lot of elements of it. i want to give you guys quality work.

i'm thinking about continuing to rewrite my oldest chapters (chapters 5 to 10) and maybe changing a few minor details in the rewritten chapters too, though i'm actually pretty satisfied with them. it feels a little disappointing because i really want to write some new content, but i can't keep going without fixing the parts i'm unhappy with.

i still have part of chapter 13 written which i plan to work on while i rewrite chapters. i hope i can release it soon. thank you all for reading and enjoying children of chaos over the years, and no promises, but the next update feels closer than it has in years.

i really can't understate how much it means to me that people still find this book and comment on it. if i hadn't published children of chaos i really would have given up by now but knowing that even one person is waiting for a future update gives me the motivation to push through it. i genuinely love this story and if i stopped writing it because of a few difficulties i would always regret it. i already regret waiting so long to fix them.

rambley and kinda sappy notes aside, see you soon.
(or would it be read you soon?)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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