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Amy was so stupid and I already have her little John and nobody but George and Kathleen know that Johns gone but they won't come here they wouldn't even think to look here. Ricky doesn't even know. Everything going to turn out perfectly. And poor little Amy thinks she's the only girl I have but she needs to think again. I have many girls from campus. They were just taken care of by so many people. I'm going to sell John to terrible people and he will have no trace of where to be found and Amy will know it's true. She had no clue yet. I want to see her face when he is gone. I have her back her ring because that's all she'd have left of Ricky. If I could find damn Ricky. I know Amy's extra upset since I have gave her the ring back. I guess good memories that have gone afar. But it makes me happy. I get revenge on what did to Mercy. And revenge on Amy plus Ricky and John for taking her away from me. Life couldn't be better. I had to go get Amy so I walked down the hall way and opened the door. She was still doing her make-up and I kicked her and said "Hurry up" and she cried and said "Okay I'm going as fast as I can" without any other words 2 1/2 minutes gone by she was done and I pulled her up. She was wearing skin tight jeans and a really lose sweater. It sucked she looked good in it. But that wasn't going to get in my way. Amy looks good in everything and although I still love her she's probably find a way to escape and I wasn't going to let that happen. I walked with her wrist in my hand pulling her and Terry right behind us.

Sorry this has to be a shorter chapter because to me Amy and Ricky's views are more important.

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