Phone Calls (Amy Pov)

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I literally called everybody to tell them what was happening. I know Ricky has been blaming himself but I can't let him do that. Bob is a sick person. He deserves to be locked up, isolated, tortured, killed for everything he's put our family through. My parents freaked out and worried about opus but I just asked them to get to safety. They agreed and I told them I had to call some other people. I decided to let Grace's dad talk to her so I put it on speaker. " Hey Grace I need you to listen carefully and just do as he says. I know you'll be shocked but please Grace, please." "Amy what's going on"... "Grace sweetie I" said Marshall (Dr. Bowman) "Who is this." "Grace, it's me, your father." " Amy I don't know what kind of joke you're..." Grace said tearily "Grace honey no, it's really me, I promise I'll explain everything when I can and I'll make everything up to you, but I'm sending a car to the house, I'm having some workers come and pick you up, please call Amy's parents and tell them to pack their things and that you'll pick them up. I need you your brother and your mother to pack quickly. When he picks you up you'll be put in witness protection for a while. It's very important you do this for everybody and yourself, you're life may depend on it." "I do understand" responded Grace confused. I promise the next cellphone I get to I'll call you but we'll have to burn it after the calls. It won't be safe, and tell Tom and your mother I love them, I love you Grace, goodbye." Then he hung up. "That was really hard for me he said to Amy and Ricky. " "I know but I think it was best this way" replied Amy. I'll call everybody else and tell them the plan. Everybody was being picked up and put into witness protection where they could all be safe, and everybody would stay together. "Marshall how are they going into witness protection, why do we need to burn the phone, and what is going on?!?!?!" Ricky asked. "It all started when the plane 'crashes'" Ricky and Amy looked at him confused and with concern.

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