"Haha, ok. Let's go see them?"

"Yes, Yeonjun!" Taehyung said, calling Yeonjun.

"No screaming in the hospital!"

"I am sorry."

"Yes papa?"

"We can go see your sisters!"

"Really? Yay!!" Yeonjun said a but loud, resulting in the nurse shushing him.

Taehyung and Yeonjun looked at each other, saying shush and following the nurse happily.

Taehyung and Yeonjun reached the room and the nurse told them it's two girls in the same bed.

Yeonjun looked at his sisters with a fond look, they are so cute, just few months ago he was all alone, now he doesn't have just parents he has siblings too, two little adorable sisters.

"Why are crying, my little prince?" Taehyung said, lifting Yeonjun up.

"I am just so happy, thank you for adopting me papa." Yeonjun said hugging Taehyung tightly.

"Thank you for being our first child and entering our small family. Now don't cry, or papa will start crying too." Taehyung said wiping Yeonjun's tears.

"I am not crying anymore, see?" Yeonjun said the smile back to his face

"Yeah, that's much better."

The father and son duo looked at their new family members and smiled, making the nurse smile with them.

"When can we see mama?"

"He is still sleeping, giving birth as a male is much harder then when females does, so he needs to sleep for an entire day at least, so he wouldn't feel the changes his body will go through."


"Well, to begin with, to be able to give birth as a male is not easy, some of his body parts change while pregnant, like the one he gets the baby out of, in the pregnancy that a part works like a female part so he could give a safe normal birth, but after the birth his body will change back to normal and that is not easy for him, so it's best if he keep on sleeping."

"Too complicated, I feel dizzy."

"I know, but one reader commented on where do the babies came out so the writer had to write an answer."

"It's a fanfic, does it need an explanation?"

"I guess."

The nurse shrugged and left the duo.

"Papa! We forgot grandma and grandpa!"



"Yeah, we are going there soon. Now let's go get your grandparents to greet their new grandkids."


The whole family met the new babies cooing and some crying by the over cuteness, wonder who, Mr Jeon and Mrs Kim.

Jungkook woke up the next day and told Taehyung he wants to see the babies, while Taehyung went to get them, Yeonjun run to Jungkook telling if he is okay, and he loves his new sisters.

Jungkook smiled because of his son's excitement and listened to his every word.

Jungkook welcomed his parents and parents in law, and they all started talking of how cute and adorable the babies are, and wondered what names they chose.

Taehyung entered the room with the babies, giving Jungkook one and holding one in his arms.

"Should we tell tell them the names?" Jungkook said smiling at Taehyung.

"We should."

"The baby is my hands will be called Jimin, Kim Jimin."

"And the one with me is Yoonji, Kim Yoonji. What do you think?"

"Beautiful names for beautiful girls, it's perfect." Taelee said in a soft voice.

"Yeah, how did you think of them?"

"Jungkook come up with Yoonji saying he had a dream of a boy named Yoongi who helped so he decided to call our girl Yoonji, and I dreamt of having a soulmate named Jimin so I thought my baby will be my soulmate so why not?"

"Haha, you are making your dreams come true, I see." Junghyung said chuckling.

"We are." Jungkook replied looking at his babygirl.

"Do you want to hold Yoonji, Yeonjun- ah?"

"Can I?"

"Yes of course, but go sit down first."

Taehyung carefully handed the baby to Yeonjun and sat beside him to watch both of them.

"She is so small and soft." Yeonjun whispered looking at Yoonji.

"She is, isn't she? That's why you have to protect her and Jimin as their big brother, can you promise me that?"

"I will, I will always protect them."

"You will be a great big brother."

Yeonjun smiled playing with his little sister, as she giggled while playing with his finger.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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