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Third person p.o.v :

V walked to his house, as he kept thinking about the smaller boy, about his smile, his laugh, his personality, everything about him was beautiful, it really captured his heart in a matter of hours, but that is just affecting since he hasn't met someone like Jungkook before. After 15 minutes of walking and thinking about Jungkook,he finally reached his house.

"I am home." V said, entering the house, even though he knew nobody will answer him.

Looking around his place, it was dark and quiet, it gave the vibe of loneliness, and that what V has been feeling all this time.

About 2 years ago:

V was kicked out of his parents house, his father kicked him out, with the reason of V being a failure and for him to get a job.

V lived in the streets for months, neither having friends to support him, or having the courage to tell his parents he failed to get a job, nobody wanted to hire him, a dropout, and when he is hired he loses the job within 5 days.

One day, when he was walking back to the spot he usually sleeps in, he spotted his mother near his place so he hid, afraid of facing her, of disappointing her.

He didn't contact them since he left, he sold his phone, and he wouldn't have called them even if had his phone, he is a shame to them.

Unfortunately or fortunately for him, his mother saw him, and ran to him, hugging and kissing him, questioning him about everything.

After knowing about his condition, his mother cried her heart out as she insisted he returns home , saying she will convince his father to let him stay with them, but he refused saying : " I promised father that I won't come back until I have a job and a house. I don't want to be the reason of his disappointment."

His mother was not convinced, she forced him to go with her to a hotel, to at least get a room for him to stay in, until she thought of something.

V stayed at the hotel for a week, and in that week, he found a job at a bar. He told his mom he can manage himself now, and he just needs her blessings. His mother agreed and made him promise her that he will visit and call her regularly.

On the first week of work, he found a bartender who was willing to let him live with him, since he needed a roommate.

The first month of work was hard, but he got better at it as the time passed. In this period of time , he got addicted to cigarettes, to release stress.

After a year and a half of working at two bars and one coffee shop, he finally had the money to buy himself a house with the help of a loan.

And now here he is, living alone with darkness.

"I need to call mom, it's been so long since we last talked, maybe last week?" V or Taehyung said to himself as he took off his shoes, and went inside his house.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes . (*・~・*)


Little fact :

I have a crush on a guy for a year now , because we shook hands ¯\___/¯

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