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Third person p

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Third person p.o.v :

" Hyung, try this one." Jungkook said as he pushed another fruit in Taehyung's mouth.

For the past ten minutes, Jungkook had been shoving different kind of fruits in Taehyung's mouth, to let him decide what to put in his crêpe.

"Baby, you don't have to feed me anymore, I know what I want now." Taehyung said munching on the strawberry the younger gave him.

"Ohhh, what do you want? I will make you the best crêpe ever." Jungkook said looking excited.

"I want a strawberry crêpe." Taehyung said smiling at Jungkook adorable face.

"One strawberry crêpe it is." Jungkook said as he started to prepare the ingredients.

As Taehyung was silently observing the cute bunny actions, and the mother quietly sipping her tea-ready to spill it later to her friends back in the village because back when they were still there, she betted with them that Jungkook will either be in a relationship with a dominant girl or be gay, and she already won the bet, she always knew her son will be as straight as a circle, he is too cute to be a top or even straight-.

While all that happened, Jeonhyun came downstairs to see what is the cause of the loud noises, because usually Jungkook is quiet in the mornings, as well as his beautiful wife.

When Jeonhyun reached the kitchen, what he saw terrified him, his wife, his lovely life partner was looking at his cheerful son with a weird gaze and a weirder smile, plus there was an unknown man checking his son out, wait? isn't that the guy from yesterday, who had the audacity to bring his son home until 9:00 p.m.

"What are you doing here?" Jeonhyun said in a deep voice as he put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung jumped a little before answering in steady voice:" Good morning sir."

" I didn't tell you to say good morning to me, I asked what are you doing in my house?" Jeonhyun said tightening his hold.

"What a silly question, he came to visit and see our kookie of course, right sweetheart?" Taelee asked in her soft voice.

"Yes, madam." Taehyung said bowing his head a little bit.

"Hyungie!!!! Crêpe is ready" Jungkook said as he came to the table with two plates in his hands.

« Strawberry crêpe for hyungie »

« Chocolate banana crêpe for me »

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« Chocolate banana crêpe for me »

« Chocolate banana crêpe for me »

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Jungkook p.o.v :

" Is it tasty?" I asked hyung seeing him eating happily, it must be tasty if he is happy.

Hyung chuckled before answering, why did he laugh? Did I say something funny?

"Yes, it's delicious and tasty too." Taehyung said smiling a cute boxy smile.

"Isn't the best one you tried?" I said, as I started to eat my pretty crêpe.

"Yes, it is baby, thank you." Hyung said as we continued to eat our crêpes in bliss, until mama spoke :" So, are you two going out after breakfast?"

"Why should they go out? I need to talk to that young man about important things, right?" Papa said he as looked at hyung, and hyung gulped.

Taelee p.o.v :

I knew he won't let him go out, but I have my ways to let my newest ship sail.

"Honey, didn't we have a check up today?"

"What? Wasn't it tomorrow?"

Yes, it's tomorrow but I won't tell him.

"No, it's today, they called an hour ago and told me they changed the date."

"Really?? That's weird, I wasn't informed."

"Well, I was informed. So we have to go, now go get ready."

"But, my breakfast..." Jeonhyung pouted looking at his food.

"You eat later, go get ready fast." Taelee rushed him to leave.

Jungkook p.o.v:

I was with mama all morning, and nobody called her, did she imagine someone calling her?

"Mama, nobody called you." I whispered to mama.

"I know, kookie, I was just joking with your father." Mama said as she laughed softy."So, what about you two go out to the mall to buy kookie a new phone?"


"Yes baby, that one"

Third person p.o.v :

After his mother confirmed the news of him getting a phone, Jungkook started to jump and scream like army when they see bts.

"DID YOU HEAR HYUNG ? I WILL HAVE A PHONE LIKE YOU AND WE WILL TALK AND WATCH AND-and- and play and do the-the things you said yester- yesterday." Jungkook started to breath heavily due to all the screaming.

"Yes, kookie-ah, I heard you don't need to scream." Taehyung chuckled lightly

"I wasn't-I wasn't screa-screaming, hohohohhaha." Jungkook said as he is still breathing heavily.

Bye 🌸 💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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