Chapter 22

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Today was it. The Kentucky Derby. Flynn got everyone up at five. Aunt Delphine and Aunt Lily made breakfast. My brothers hooked the trailer to Jackson's truck. I got out Songbird. Flynn and I soaped her down. We dried her and put on her neon blue blanket. I led her into the trailer and tied her up. Jackson cleaned the tack quickly and handed it to Kona, who hung it up in the trailer. Once everything was packed up, We sat around the dinner table and ate a quick breakfast. For once, I wasn't tired; I was a nervous wreck. Aunt Lily and Aunt Delphine grabbed everyone's suitcase. We were first going to go to the Kentucky Derby then drive to Aunt Aster's house. We would stay there for the Preakness. Then after that, we would go to Aunt Rose's house. Once the Belmont happened, we would sleep over for one night and go back home. I was excited and nervous. My brothers went with my aunts and Flynn, Kona, and I went with Rocky and Jackson. We climbed into the cars and were off. During the ride, they played some music and tried to get me to calm down, but how could I? Eventually, we pulled up in the completely packed parking lot. We got out Songbird. Ricky, Kona, and Jackson carried the equipment into the stadium stalls. We got Songbird in a reserved stall for her. Flynn filled her water bucket and Kona poured in an energy mash. I chewed on an energy mash. The Kentucky Derby would happen later, but we tacked her up anyway. Ricky and Jackson stayed by her stall, while we went out to the seats. The races were quick, but the times between them were at least an hour. Finally, the race before the Kentucky Derby was run. I got changed. Ricky got Songbird out. I hopped on. The crowd went wild. Ricky handed the lead rope to Flynn. Jackson, Ricky, and Kona went down with him. They led us to where the other horses were. Jackson, Ricky, Flynn, and Kona tried to calm me down in the hour I had left. It was probably the longest hour in my life. I started to feel nauseous. Kona patted me on the back. The other horses started to get led to the gates.
"Go get em' Leela," She cheered lowly. I managed a smile as Songbird and I were led into the track. A man closed the gates behind us. Horse reared up and tried to move around. Songbird pawed at the ground. Tension, hatred, longing, nervousness, and competition was in the air. I got low and ready. So did the rest of the jockeys. I could tell that some of the jockeys were glaring at me. I knew that they didn't like the fact that a girl was racing with them, but I wanted to win just as badly as they did. The trumpets blared. I started to sing softly. Then there was silence. Then the gates flew open and the horses bolted. The speaker man was shouting. I could barely understand him because. His words came out rapidly and fast. I tried to block his voice out of my head and focus on winning. Songbird stuck with the pack. Then she started to pull ahead a little. A man got near us. I could tell that he was going to try to mess me up. He came closer as I moved Songbird away. Eventually, he got close enough. I couldn't get away. I was locked in a position. I tried to do what Jackson had said. As soon as someone gets in front of you, you need to figure a way around quick because the race isn't two hours, it's two minutes. I tried to find a way out and fast, but there wasn't. I was trapped and had been ambushed. These jockeys didn't want a girl to win and they weren't going to let me go unless I did something about it. I felt like one the little rock nine integrating in central high school. I didn't belong here, but I wasn't going to let these people stop me.
"Girls can't ride!" He hollered at me and took a swing. He almost hit me, but I blocked it. The man moved away and so did the others. I could get away now, but there was a huge problem. I was hanging off my horse. I could see the first turn. One of my hands slipped and I clung to Songbird's neck. After a couple tries, I finally got control of the reins. Songbird started to slow down a little conserving energy, but she didn't let anyone pass her up. I could hear Jackson's voice in my head. Bolt, Save, Save, Save, Save, Explode. Then that man's voice rung in my mind. Girls can't ride! I got angry. If girls couldn't ride then how come I was still in the race. On the first turn, I managed to get in the right position. I was going to show him. Girls could ride. They could achieve anything if they put their minds to it. I had trained and trains and trained. Flynn had gotten beaten up. He had broken his wrist. There was no way I was going to lose this race. It was mine. The crowd jumped to their feet as they saw me make a comeback. I sang louder. Songbird's ears perked up and we pushed forward. We came around the second turn. The man was leading the pack. Not for long, I thought. I pushed Songbird harder. We made our way slowly past the horses. There was a few protests and violent actions, but I didn't let anything get to me. Songbird pulled up next to the man. He glanced over his shoulder, looked away then stared at us. I was tempted to say something, but I didn't waste my breathe. We were head to head. The finish line was coming closer and closer. In few seconds we had before we reached the end, I pushed forward and crossed Songbird and I finish line...first, leaving the man angry, bewildered, and embarrassed. He just got outrun by a girl and her female horse. He pulled up beside me and was about to say something.
"If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all," I growled at him. He shut his mouth. "Thanks," I grumbled. I glanced in the crowds. Flynn, Kona, Jackson, Ricky, my aunts, and my brothers were jumping up and down happily. The rest of the crowd went wild. They stomped their feet, jumped up and down, screamed, cheered, and applauded. I smiled and was led into the winners circle. Flynn, Ricky, Kona, and Jackson made their way down. Someone put a blanket of red roses on Songbird's back. Another person handed me the a Kentucky Derby Trophy and a huge check for one million-four hundred-twenty-five thousand dollars. I put my googles on my helmet. Flynn led me off the track and back to the stall. I hugged him and cried in his shoulder. I was so happy that I had won. I untacked Songbird and Flynn waited with her, while I changed in a bathroom. My hair was in a messy fishtail braid. I had on a nice white laced dress, riding boots, and a southern hat. I kept the blanket on her and led her out to the trailer. I put the roses where Songbird couldn't eat them. Flynn put my uniform in there too. We loaded up the trailer. Jackson, Kona, and Ricky ran over to us.
"I told you, you could do it! I told you! I told you!" Kona hollered. They crushed me in a bear hug. Aunt Lily and Aunt Delphine hugged me too and so did my brothers. We climbed into our car and drove off, heading towards Aunt Aster's house. Jackson was driving since he already knew the way. Ricky was in the passenger seat. Kona was behind Jackson. I was in the middle. Flynn was behind Ricky. I rested my head on Kona's shoulder. Flynn fell asleep on my shoulder. Kona rested her head on the door. Ricky was somewhat directing Jackson. The buzz of the engine and the sounds of the raindrops hitting the car made my eyes heavy. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I knew that the Preakness Stakes was shorter. It was shorter than the Kentucky Derby, which was a mile and a quarter or one fourth of a mile. The real challenge would be the Belmont Stakes. It was a mile and a half. That was the longest race. It was the final test. If I won that then, I would be put in the history books. The first girl to win the triple crown. I would be a legacy. I was going to have to train hard to get my time down. I needed to win that race. So until then, one down, two to go.

Favorite baseball team and football team
When it comes to baseball I'm loyal. SF Giants all the way. But when it comes to football. I'm not. New Orleans Saints all the way!

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