Chapter 17

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The next Saturday, I got up early. Flynn who had slept over, got me up. We both ran down stairs and out to the stables. I got out Songbird and loaded her in the trailer. Kona was in the drivers seat. Flynn was waiting in the passenger seat. I got the equipment, hung it up, climbed into the front seat, and took off. It was still dark, but Flynn had turned on the radio and had me sing some songs. Every Saturday, I was to compete in a small competition. It helped me practice and raised money for the entry fee. After the competition I had the rest of the day off, in which, I went with Aunt Delphine to sell the products or help Bruno and Brady with the harvest. We pulled up to a small race track. Kona got out Songbird and tacked her up, while I changed in the trailer and hopped on. Kona led Songbird out to the walking circle. I went around it a couple times and then, was led out to the gates. We were pulled in and the gates locked behind us. Songbird pawed at the ground and I got ready. There was tension and competition in the air. The gates flung opened and Songbird bolted, leading the pack. On the first turn, I started to sing the song. Songbird's ears perked up and she pushed forward. On the second turn Songbird pulled ahead. We head to head with another racer. Then, we slowly started to pull ahead. We crossed the finish a couple of seconds before the others. I glanced at Flynn in the crowds as he and Kona made their way down to get me. He held up two fingers, then ten. I scowled. Again, my time had increased. A person led me to the winner's circle. Someone handed me a check for around two hundred dollars and Kona led me off the track. We drive back home. I put Songbird in the pasture and cleaned and put away the tack. Aunt Delphine was hulling crates of apples, oranges, almonds, pomegranates, peaches, plums, and cherries. I ran over to help her. Aunt Delphine and Flynn drove into town to help sell the fruit. I decided to tack up Hoodwinked and ride her down there. Kona did the same thing with Dream Catcher. We spotted the tent and hopped off our horses. Flynn waved at us. I waved back and we walked over to them, with the horses. Aunt Delphine was talking with a costumer as I tied Hoodwinked and Dream Catcher to a small pole. The farmer's market was huge, packed with tons of costumers. We got to work right away, putting up the tent and making the table look nice. It had a blue and white checker board table cloth on it. In no time, we had sold some cherries and a peach.
"Leela, put the cherries in these," Aunt Delphine handed me the small plastic green band square basket. I filled each one and passed them one by one to Flynn who put them neatly on the table on the far right side. He looked ready to crash. Aunt Delphine smiled sweetly as the next costumer came over. Kona was helping another. I replaced Flynn and he crashed in the back of the tent. I handed Aunt Delphine a basket of cherries and an apple. She handed the costumer the basket and started to ate the apple.
"Delaney Belle, can I get a basket of cherries," a voice asked to my right. I almost jumped. The voice sent chills down my spine. I turned around and prayed that it wasn't him. Obviously, God ignored my prayers because Ian Castor smiled down at me. I backed up. Flynn woke up. His eyes widened at the sight of his brother and scuffled backwards. I went with him. Delaney got in front us. Flynn hugged me tightly and shoved his face in to my right shoulder I hugged him too. Aunt Delphine glared at Ian.
"Ian, you aren't permitted here," she growled. Ian smiled, shrugged, and walked away. Flynn let go.
"Flynn, you're alright. He's gone," Kona coaxed. I got up and walked over to the table. Paige and Nymph popped out of no where. I smiled and hugged them each.
"What you guys doing here?" I asked. Kona waved to them as she handed a woman a peach. They smiled at her.
"Miss James has a stand. Maybe she might get more students," Nymph explained. I nodded.
"So you guys want anything?" I asked, spreading my arms. Paige watched the fruit hungrily.
"No thanks, we just came over to talk that's all. Well, we'll see you on Monday! Bye!" Nymph smiled and led Paige away waving.
"Bye!" I waved back. Flynn sat up groggily.
"Who were they?" He asked sleepily.
"Friends from singing lessons. Don't you remember Paige?" I replied.
"Not really, are they nice?" He yawned. I gave a look.
"No, they're the meanest kids there," I replied sarcastically.
"So, you aren't liked there. I saw that coming," he smirked. I threw an apple at him. "Ow!" He whined.
"Yeah, and everyone saw that coming," I grabbed a peach and bit into it. The sweet juice filled my mouth. Aunt Delphine let me and Flynn take over while she drove back to get some more supplies. Flynn and I were teasing each other when Ian returned. Flynn backed up. I gulped down my fear and shakily faced him. Kona shot me a look and I back away. She got in front of us and glared up at Ian.
"I want some cherries," He barked at her
"Ian!" A voice scolded behind him. I didn't move, but I watched Ian turned around to face Jackson. My brothers and Ricky stood behind him. Ian glared at them and then back at us. He stomped off. Flynn walked over to Kona and checked to see if his brother was gone. Aunt Lily ran over to us.
"I'm done with my shift, so, I thought I should help. Bruno, Brady, go help Flynn and your sisters," She ordered. Bruno and Brady nodded and they, along with Jackson, Aunt Lily, and Ricky, joined Flynn, Kona and me under the tent. Aunt Delphine returned with some more crates. We worked for two or three hours more. Then we packed up. All the fruit was gone and we had raised a lot of money. My brothers, Jackson, Aunt Lily, and Ricky went with Aunt Delphine. Since there was no more room, Flynn went with me. He hung on to me with his one good arm. I cantered Hoodwinked smoothly all the way home with Kona and Dream Catcher. It took a long time, but Flynn didn't fall off at least. We reached my house. Flynn went inside while Kona and I untacked Hoodwinked and Dream Catcher. Brady came inside to help me. I went to the pasture and got Songbird out. As I came in the barn, Brady and Kona were just finishing feeding the horses. I untacked Songbird, soaped her down, dried her off, put her in her stall, fed her, fill her water bucket, and locked the door. Brady and Kona closed the stables door and we walked back to the house. It was already dark out. We all sat around the table and ate our dinner joyfully. Chatter and excitement filled the room. The sweet aroma of roses and fruit hung in the air as well as laughter. I finish my dinner quickly and ran outside. The pasture was empty, but I pulled Songbird out of her stall anyway. I turned around to walk out of the barn when I saw Flynn leaning against the door and smirking at me.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked curiously. I put a soft bridle on Songbird.
"The sky's clear and it's warm. Thought I would ride out to somewhere where I could see the stars," I replied. Flynn nodded.
"Wait for me," Flynn ordered. He pulled out his horse and I put the soft bridle on Cloud Dancer. I helped Flynn hop on his horse and I got on mine. We trotted the horses out to a field and hopped off. The horses stayed close as we laid on the ground and pointed up at constellations.

Have you left your country. If so, where did you go?

Yes, six times. Twice to Costa Rica, twice to Mexico, once to New Zealand, and once to Canada.

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