Chapter 23

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We stayed at Aunt Aster's for a whole week. Finally, today was the Preakness Stakes. Aunt Lily and Aunt Delphine got us up at around five. We packed up our stuff in our suitcases. Aunt Lily and Aung Delphine were downstairs making breakfast. Kona and I went out to the trailer to get Songbird. We put on her blanket and filled her water bucket. I poured an energy mash into her food bucket. While she ate, Flynn brought us a plate of eggs, toast, pancakes, and bacon. We sat on the curb and wolfed down the food. It tasted great. Aunt Lily and Aunt Delphine went around and grabbed everyone's suitcase. They put them in the trunk of their car. Once, everyone was finished eating we asked over to the race track. Kona, Flynn, Jackson, Ricky, and I found the stall for reserved for Songbird. Kona poured an energy mash into Songbird's food bucket. Flynn filled up her water bucket. My brothers carried up the equipment. I hung the equipment up. Kona handed me an energy bar. I ripped open the wrapper and started to chew on it. There would be several races before it. I was happy, excited, and nervous at the same time. Since, we had gotten here early. I leaned against the stable door and read my book. Flynn sat down next to me.
"Nervous?" He asked. I glared at him.
"No, Flynn, I'm not nervous at all. I'm not trying to keep my mind off the fact that I could lose this race and the triple crown. I'm not nervous at all," I remarked sarcastically. I was almost yelling at him.
"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you," Flynn frowned.
"I'm sorry that I snapped at you, but I'm a nervous wreck. I have so much pressure on me. All of you are depending on me-"
"We're not depending on you to do anything. If you lost, we wouldn't get disappointed, we'd be glad that you gave it a shot," Flynn interrupted me. I managed a smile.
"Thanks," I replied. Flynn smiled. "I'm really glad you helped me," I commented. Flynn beamed with pride. "Not that glad," I murmured. Flynn punched my arm playfully. "Hey! No hitting the jockey!" I teased him.
"Yes ma'am!" He saluted. I laughed.
"What are you guys doing?" Kona asked. She walked over to us.
"Nothing," I replied. Kona raised her eyebrow. Flynn and I talked for the rest of the time I had before my race. It helped take my mind off my nervousness. Finally, the race before mine ended. I pulled out Songbird and Kona tacked her up. Flynn handed me my jockey uniform. I found a bathroom and changed. Kona was waiting for me with Songbird. She had on her neon blue blinker hood and her pad had the number, sixteen, and her name in fancy writing. I hopped on. Flynn led me out to where the other horses were. After a while, we were led out to the track and the gates. The crowd cheered when they saw Songbird enter onto the track. The screams and cheering rung in my ears. I smiled knowing that lots of people wanted me to win. Someone pushed us into the gates and closed them behind us. Horses reared up and whined. They tried to move around. Songbird pawed at the ground. I got low and ready. So did other jockeys. The trumpets blared. I started to sing the Doe-Ray-Me song. Then there was silence. I could hear the breathing of horses. Tension, competition, hatred, friendship, excitement, longing, and nervousness hung in the air. The gates opened and all the horses bolted out. Songbird was already second. The speaker's voice was like rapid fire of a machine gun. I couldn't understand him, because he was talking to fast. Songbird started to slow down near the first turn. I caught angry glances of some jockeys and smiles from others. Jackson's voice rang in my head like a bell. Bolt, Save, Save, Save, Save, Explode. I started to sing my song louder. Songbird bolted forward. We were head to head with another jockey. Songbird started to pull farther ahead. We reached the second turn and Songbird was leading the pack. The crowd was going wild. People were screaming my horse's name, jumping up and down, and cheering. We passed the second turn and the pack of horses was a couple of feet behind Songbird and I now. I felt wild. The wind in my hair made me want to speed up Songbird even faster. The finish line came closer and closer. Then Songbird exploded with speed. She crossed the finish line going all out. I threw my hands in the air. I was led to the winners circle. Someone draped a blanket of Black-Eyed Susan's over Songbird. I was handed a check for one million-five hundred thousand dollars and a replica of the Woodlawn Vase since it was never allowed to take home. Winners would receive a replica of it. Flynn eventually led me to the stables. We untacked Songbird and put her blanket on her. I got changed and led her back to the trailer at Aunt Aster's house. My hair was in a fishtail braid and I had on a nice short yellow lace dress that was sort of puffy on the bottom part, my riding boots, and a grey draping cardigan. Flynn had on a light blue dress shirt, a bright blue tie, grey fancy pants, and black dress shoes. We loaded her into the trailer and filled her food and water buckets. I hung up the equipment and Flynn hung up my jockey uniform. We placed the replica of the Woodlawn Vase in the back seat of the truck. I put the blanket of Black-Eyed Susan's near the blanket of red roses so Songbird wouldn't eat them. Oh we won! Let's eat the prize! Horses just don't think right sometimes. Here's a cool fun fact for you. There aren't actually any Black-Eyed Susan's used in the race. They bloom too late so they use a flower that looks like a Black-Eyed Sunsan instead. I locked the trailer door and turned around to have a news reporter stick a microphone in my face. A camera man walked next to her.
"What is like to be the only girl to win two of these huge races? Are you going to go for the Belmont Stakes? The Triple Crown? Do you think you'll win? What'll you do after if you win? What if you lose?" She sounded like the speaker back in the race. Machine gun ready! Pull the trigger! Boom boom boom boom boom! I laughed nervously. Flynn grabbed my wrist and shoved me into the passenger seat. The reporter banged her fists on the window shouting more questions. More people crowded us. Flynn got in the drivers side. He drove quickly to the parking lot. Ricky, Jackson, and Kona got in. Flynn moved to the back. Kona took his place. We started to drive to Elmont, New York. Next was the Belmont Stakes. This one was the final and the hardest. It was the tester of the champion. The race was a mile and a half. So it wa she longest. I wasn't so sure that Songbird had the stamina for it, but had to hope, because this race was either life or death to me. Two down, one to go. Hello, Belmont Stakes. Ready for some history breaking? You are?! Good, because here we come, out!

Favorite band
U2 or Green Day

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