Chapter 14

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I started my first vocal lessons on Monday. Paige and Nymph were in my class. We got along pretty well. Paige liked the color green, while Nymph adored the color purple. Aunt Lily dropped me off at the bookstore an hour before. I spotted Nymph and Paige and ran up to them. Clutching our books, we slowly made our way there, while chatting nonstop. Paige's wavy blonde hair was up in a high ponytail and her dark blue eyes were filled with excitement. Two front locks of Nymph's long straight auburn hair came together at the back of her head. The rest of her hair was down and behind her shoulder. Aunt Lily had braided my caramel brown hair into a side braid that hung down my right shoulder. Nymph had a green hoodie, dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. Nymph had on purple long sleeved shirt, a grey draping cardigan, cream colored Uggs, and black jeans. Together they explained what Miss James's lessons were like. It sounded fun. I glanced down at my outfit. Somehow I had put together milk chocolate brown riding boots, black tights, light blue and white diagonal stripped long sleeved shirt, and a dark blue silk scarf. Not bad, I guess.
"What book are you reading?" Paige asked me. I glanced down at the book in my hands. I had grabbed it just before I had rushed outside.
"The Secret Life of Bees," I replied. It was a new book Aunt Delphine had bought for me. She had read it when she was my age. It was one of her favorites. Nymph's eyes widened when I showed them the book.
"I've heard about it. It's supposed to really good!" She informed us.
"What book are you guys reading?" I asked.
"To Kill A Mockingbird," Paige replied. She showed me the me the book.
"I've been wanting to read that for the longest time!" Nymph and I exclaimed. Paige laughed.
"Rifles For Watie, The Breadwinner,The Eighty Dollar Champion, and The Book Thief," Nymph had to have Paige help her. I fingered The Eighty Dollar Champion. Nymph noticed. "It's about a famous jump horse, Snowman, and his owner, Harry De Leyer," She made Paige and me hold the rest of the book while she flipped through the pages, trying to find something. She stopped and showed me a picture. It was in black and white. A horse was jumping over two tall fences. In between the fences was another horse. Even though I didn't compete in jumping competitions, I knew that was extremely risky. One false move would be fatal, extremely fatal.
"She likes to read, a lot," Paige explained. I agreed. Nymph smiled weakly and stuffed three of her books back in her bag, but kept one out. Paige bought a medium size bag of chips, which we shared. Eventually, we made it to the Miss James's in about thirty minutes. We sat down in a small room. I watched through a clear window as two girls sang sweetly. The one on the left had long straight blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She wore a pink summer dress with a draping pink cardigan over it. Pink heels stuck to her feet. The one on the right had short brown straight hair and dark blue eyes. She had matching attire. The brown haired girl glanced out the window. She glared at me. I quickly stuck my nose in my book.
"Who are they?" I asked. Nymph looked around.
"The Ross sisters," Paige replied with distaste. Nymph seemed to just now realize what we were talking about.
"They're really rich and not that nice," She added. I focused my attention on the sisters. They were chatting constantly and ignoring Miss James.
"They seem...rude," I murmured. Nymph and Paige nodded.
"They are," They informed me. Miss James waved her hand and the two girls stepped off the raisers. Miss James opened the door and the two girls stepped out. For a while, Nymph and Paige starred daggers at the sisters.
"Delaney Belle, Paige, Nymph, come on in!" Miss. James called. I quickly bolted inside the room and sat down on the bottom raiser. Nymph and Paige joined us later. "Girls, please don't get into fights with London and Paris," Miss James pleaded with them. The two girls were silent. Miss. James sighed. "Let's begin. Can you two explain the warm up while I get some song sheets?" Miss. James ordered. They nodded. Warms ups were just singing Doe-Ray-Me-Far-Sow-La-Tea-Dah over and over again. At one point we changed. We started to sing The Sound Of Music kind. It was nice. Nymph and Paige had even made up a small dance to it. I tried to copy them. By the fifth time I had some of it down. "Girls, without dancing this time please sing it for me," Miss James ordered.
"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name, I call myself. Far, a long long way to run. So-o-ow, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow so. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to Doe-doe-doe-doe!" We sang together. Miss. James nodded and handed us some music sheets.
"Let's sing this for a little bit. It's all low notes," She informed us. We nodded.
"Paige you have verse one, Delaney Belle, you have the refrains, and Nymph, you have verse two. All three of you have verse three," Miss James informed us. I started out with the refrain. It was low like she said. The words were stretched. Paige sang the first verse. Her voice was like a pop star's, but better. I sang the refrain again and Nymph sang the second verse. Her voice was soft and sweet. After my refrain all three of our voices were combined. We sounded spectacular. We finish quickly. I started to applaud. Paige and Nymph blushed.
"You guys sounded amazing!" I exclaimed. Nymph's face was bright pink. Paige grinned.
"Delaney Belle is right. You two did sound quite extraordinary. Alright now let's start again. From the top!" Miss James ordered. We sang the song once more. After our session was up, Flynn picked me up. However, since Paige still hadn't been picked up. She rode with us back to my house.
"What were you guys doing?" Flynn asked. I raised my eyebrow.
"Singing. Aunt Lily said that I should take singing lessons to improve my voice. This is Paige. She's in my class," I introduced Paige. She smiled and waved. Flynn nodded and kept his eyes on the road.
"Sing something," Flynn turned the radio off. Paige and I glanced at each other and nodded.
"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a-"Flynn interrupted us.
"Not that song!" He complained.
"You asked for a song!" I pointed out. Paige and I finished the song and kept singing it all the way home. Surprisingly, Flynn didn't kick us out of the car.

Favorite Funny quote from a TV show
Rise and shine sleepyhead, half the town is probably dead -Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory

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