Chapter 21

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After about a week we left. Easter was fun. Gemma had Songbird and I run everyday after that. Thanks to her, I kept my time around two minutes, but never went below it. I had the Preakness Stakes down and I was ready. Finally, we came down to our last practice. Ricky got Kona, Flynn, and I up at around five. Jackson and the boys and already left. Kona got out the equipment and hung it up in the trailer. I got out Songbird and Flynn filled up her water and food buckets. Ricky had gotten my jockey uniform and the racing back. Kona locked the trailer door and hopped in the passenger seat. Ricky started up the engine and we were off. During the drive, Flynn and I fell asleep. My head was on his shoulder and his head was on my head. We pulled up in the parking lot. Kona tacked up Songbird, while I got changed in the trailer. Ricky put in the final touches to Songbird and I hopped on my horse. Flynn led me down to the track. Jackson and my brothers were already waiting for us. Jackson was ready to go. Kona led him out to the gates. She and Flynn closed the gates behind us. Sky Breeze tried to move around, but there wasn't much room. Songbird pawed at the ground. I got low and ready. So did Jackson. Suddenly, my mind went elsewhere. In a couple of days I would be exactly where I was now, except instead of just one person, there would be multiple and they would be more competitive. They would want to win just as badly as I did, but only one person wins the red roses and that was going to be me. But, what if I didn't win? What if Ian found out and he come and competed. No, I could dwell on that. I couldn't think about that. I had to focus. The blaring sounds of the trumpets brought me back to earth and I focused on winning. Suddenly there was silence and the gates flew open. Sky Breeze and Songbird bolted. Songbird pulled ahead. I started to sing my song as soon as the gates opened. By the time we had reached the first turn, we had left Jackson in the dust. Songbird was started to conserve energy. Jackson started to gain speed, but that wasn't going to happen.
"Sorry, buddy, but I have a race to win," I called out as Songbird and I passed the second turn and she went all out as she saw the finish line. We left Jackson in the dust again. We crossed the finish line with Songbird galloping as fast as she could. Jackson came in about two seconds later. I glanced at Ricky. He dropped his jaw. The last time he had seen me go against Jackson, I had barely made it and Jackson's horse had reared up giving me a huge advantage.
"What happened when you were gone?" He asked eyeing me. Flynn help up two fingers and so did Kona. Two minutes and two seconds. Not bad. Not bad at all.
"Well, we've got the Preakness Stakes down. I'm ready for that. A minute and fifty-nine seconds. Bring it on!" I informed him. Ricky broke out into a huge smile. Then he got serious.
"The jockeys have heard that a girl is competing with them. Some jockeys want to help, others say that they want to, but they will be trying to ruin the chance, and the rest will try to destroy any chance at a all. They don't want a girl to win. Trust no one. Don't take a chance to trust someone of they say that will help you. They might just destroy your chance at any chance they get," Ricky informed me. I nodded. There could be people who might let me win the first race, but then won't let me win others. I could depend on others to help me. I had to be independent and win this by myself. I couldn't trust anyone. Jackson patted me on the back.
"Nice job. When it comes to the Belmont. You got to keep that horse running, you hear?" He asked.
"Sir, yes, sir!" I saluted to him. He nodded. Ricky handed me an energy bar. I ripped open the wrapper and started eating right away. Songbird had her head in a bucket munching away. I bent down and stroked her neck. For a while we were silent, enjoying our last practice. That's when I started to cry softly. Kona noticed right away. She got up and hugged me, stroking my back.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's just that, this is our last practice. I've had so much fun and I just don't want them to end," I frowned. Flynn, Ricky, Jackson, and my brothers glanced at each other and started laughing.
"Oh no, you're going back next year, even if you win," Flynn smirked. I wiped a tear from my eye and smiled.
"Well first, after I win I'm going for the Breeder's Cup," I beamed with pride. Flynn coughed.
"If you win," Flynn pointed out. I shot him a look.
"Don't be a butface, Flynn," I ordered.
"Well, you might not win. I'm just saying!" Flynn throw his hands up like he was innocent, which he was most definitely not. I shot him a look. He gave a me a look that said What?! I rolled my eyes. Ricky and Jackson glared at him. He smiled weakly. I sighed and smiled.
"Then let's go practice for the Belmont! Move that flag pole!" I ordered. Ricky and Jackson high-fived each other. My brothers got up quickly. Ricky reset the timer and Kona and Flynn led Jackson and I out to the gates. They closed them behind us. Sky Breeze moved around. Songbird pawed at the ground and I got low and ready. Jackson did the same. His horse tried to move around, but their isn't much room in the gates. Jackson tried to calm his horse down, but he wasn't having much luck. I watched the gates. Jackson eventually gave up. Suddenly, my thoughts went to Ian. What if he showed up at the race? What if he won? He didn't like the fact that I was a jockey, if he found out my plan, I would never win the Triple Crown. Although I would still be the first girl to actually compete in the races, but what was the point of trying when I knew that I couldn't win. I tried to focus on practicing. I needed to win this race. The sound of the trumpet nearly scared the life out of me and I started to sing the Doe-Ray-Me song. There was silence and then the gates flew open. Sky Breeze and Songbird bolted out. We pulled ahead. Songbird kept gaining speed and we left Jackson in the dust. By the first turn, Songbird was conserving already energy. Jackson's voice came into my head. Bolt, Save, Save, Save, Save, Explode. As we passed the second turn, I could see the finish line. Then Ricky's voice came into my head. The rest will destroy any chance at all. They don't want a girl to win. Trust no one. Don't take a chance to trust someone that says they will help you. They might just destroy your chance any chance they get. I got angry and my voice got tighter. Songbird must have felt my anger because she bolted for the finish line. We crossed it. Flynn held up two fingers and Kona held up the same and Flynn held up six. Two minutes and twenty six seconds. Perfection. I was ready.

Favorite disney song
Real Gone by Cheryl Crow, Almost There by Annika Noni Rose, Something that I want by Grace Potter, Down in New Orleans by Dr. John, Under the Sea by Samuel E. Wright, and Route 66 by John Mayer. Also...wait for it... Let it go in Cantonese, Multi-language, Taiwanese Mandarin, French, and Malaysian. Also, the let it go end credits, French and Malaysian. Look up the different Let it go's. The Cantonese one by far is my fav. Jobelle Ubalde has an AMAZING voice.

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