[1]-Perfectly Imperfect

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A delicious smell ran across the room. The young women standing against the kitchen slab wiped the sweatbeads off her forehead, biting her lower lip and then again smiled to herself. Taking the utensil in her hands she almost shouted, "Aditya! Dinner is ready. Come here." She bit her lip again and then moved towards the dinning table.

"Such a mouth-watering smell Zoya. What is cooked today?" Hearing his compliments, she rushed towards him. "Is it? You know, I have cooked dinner today. Isn't that amazing?" She said excitedly inviting him to the table, giggling to herself. "Has the sun risen from the west? Zoya and cooking. Impressing your husband, aren't you?" He said smirking while she frowned at him, placing her hands on her waist looking adorable as her nose turns red.

"So mean you are, Aditya. Why can't I cook? She pouted. "Okay, I am sorry. I was just pulling your leg na. But, it smells really nice." He said smiling to his woman who cheered up, instantly. "Not only smells nice but also it tastes nice. Try it." She said rising his chin up, proudly patting her back making the man before chuckle.

She served him the curry and stood beside him, waiting for him to taste it with her hands folded against his chest. "Where is the chapati?" He asked looking at her as she makes up an answer, "Umm..it didn't get the time to make them. You eat it with bread today, tomorrow I'll make that as well." She said placing some breads in his plate as he glanced at her before focusing on his plate.

He slowly tore a piece of bread dipping it in the curry. Placing the morsel on his tongue. She flashed and grinned her teeth at him like a five year old. He suddenly coughed hard as the food tasted bitter. "What happened?" She said, her smile dropped in a baffled expression and she quickly poured some water in the glass. She brought the glass near his mouth. "What happened? Why you started coughing?" She questioned rubbing his back.

"N..nothing. It's reall..really nice, Zoya." He spoke teary eyed and again coughed a little. "Really? Thank you so much. I love you." Hearing him, her face brightened up as she began jumping at her place. He smiled at her. "Waise, ke baat puchun? Tumne sabzi mein namak dala hai ya phir namak mein sabzi?" He spoke making her frown her face.

"I know, It's tastes nice na. I just opened the packet of salt and I have put in this." She grinned again making him open his eyes wide in horror, he composed himself on his chair as he said, "Really nice, Zoya. Very good." He said plastering a fake smile on his face. "Really? I am so happy. You know what, I've decided I will always cook dinner for us." She said excitedly clapping her hands. "No!" He shouted making her place her hands at her waist, pouting. "Why? I like cooking for you. And you know good wives also cook for their husbands and I too want to be a good wife, okay?" She blabbered while he slapped his forehead.

"Why are straining yourself out Zoya? We have a maid na, let her do." He said but she was adamant being a dutiful wife. "You won't understand. I am a good wife and good wives always do their duty and cooking is also my duty." She spoke adamant, smiling proudly again.

"See, I haven't even tasted it. Give me a bite." She said opening her mouth waiting for him to feed her. "Are you sure?" He said nervously as she furrowed her brows. "What Aditya? Of course, I am. It's not an explosive." She said and made him feed her.

He noticed her facial expressions changing as she frowns. She quickly rushed towards the wash-basin and puked into it. He rushed towards her. She furrowed her brows and said, "Yuck! Oh god! It was so salty, Aditya. How could you eat it? It was so terrible." She said gulping down a glass of water. "Why did you tell me that it's very nice?" She pouted, her face dropped down.

He sighed and said, "You cooked for me and for the first time. How could I not praise it?" He said caressing her cheek. "That's really sweet of you." She engulfed him into a warm hug resting her head on his chest while he ran his hand in her hair, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

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