[12]- Family Is Everything

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Hello, folks! Firstly, a very happy third birthday to our Bepannah baby. I can't believe its been three wonderful years already. I still remember watching the first episode, I was totally in love with the crackling chemistry of our AdiYa.

Thanks to the captain of the ship, Mr. Aniruddha Rajderkar for creating such a masterpiece that will live forever in our hearts. Thanks to Jenny and Harshad and the whole cast for making it so special. So on this very occasion, I certainly had to update this book.


"Akansha, can you please finish your eating quickly and get back to work?" , an exhausted Zoya said to one of her team managers, Akansha who sat on the chair, her mouth stuffed with the aalo parathas that Mithilesh Ji brought for himself.

"Ye..s..ma...am gi..ve me fi..ve m..inutes." Akansha managed to speak as she continued to chew the food. Zoya shook her head sideways, in disbelief before she got back to work, facing the young man standing before her, attentively.

"So, Shawn I think the red backg....", she was cut off by Mona who interrupted her talks.

Without wasting even a second she said, "Zoya ma'am, the florist is not picking up my calls. His shop was also closed today. I don't know what else to do." , she finished leaving the elder woman with blank expressions then older woman let out a deep sigh, pressing her lips against each other she slowly sat on the chair that was placed next to her.

Zoya covered her face in her palms and them slipped her fist resting them under her chin she said, "Mona, I'll try calling him and if he doesn't arranges the flowers. We will have to talk to someone else. The wedding will be held the next two week and we don't have enough time. We will have to be quicker with our work." The young women who stood next to the lady just nodded her head and replied with a quick 'yes' and then she disappeared.

Zoya grabbed her mobile phone from the side table as she dailed a number before putting the device next to her ear, the dailing sound echoed in her ear. She tapped her foot on the ground, looking around. The decorative materials, long curtains were littered around the venue which was crowded with people busy in their jobs.

With a deep sigh, she disconnected the call when she heard a ping sound indicating that she had received a notification. She broke into a wide smile when she noticed that the message was from him.

"Good evening, my beautiful wife.

I am waiting for my royal highness outside the office. If you could please come outside quickly, not before finishing your work. I would be so honoured. See you soon ;)

Your beloved husband,

She broke into fits of giggles as she read his message again on again until she lost the count. She shyly bit her lower lip, smiling to herself like a complete foolish before realisation took over. She stood on her feet and quickly grabbed her handbag. She spotted Shawn standing at some distance, she tapped him on the shoulders, gaining his attention.

"Yes, Zoya ma'am." , he said, acknowledging her.

"Shawn, so actually ummm...Aditya has come to pick me up...so I...." , she started hesitantly but the young man before her gave her a reassuring smile as he said, "Don't worry ma'am, we'll manage and we are unable, then you are just ten numbers away on the phone. We got this." Zoya grinned at me as she whispered a soft 'thank you' and quickly made her way out of the office door.

Her eyeballs went left-to-right until she spotted her man leaning against the car, still dressed in his navy blue uniform. Her smile only grew wider as she ran towards him, being careful enough not to trip over anything.

Love Is In The Air - AdiYa Short TalesWhere stories live. Discover now