Priority (Damon Albarn)

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     I was sitting on the couch in the living room of our London flat, watching tv, waiting for him to come home from the studio. It was already 2 am, and Damon had promised to be home in time to have dinner and spend the night together. But I had already cleaned up the meal I prepared for him, taken a shower, and gotten dressed for bed in what I always wear; one of his t-shirts. 

    I sighed and turned the tv off, walking to our bedroom, turning off the living room lights on my way through the hallway. As I made my way under the covers in our dimly lamp-lit bedroom, I glanced at the framed picture of us together I had on my side of the bed; he's standing behind me, arms around me, eyes closed, kissing the top of my head, and I'm smiling, eyes sparkling. I remember that day clearly, because it was the day he told me he loved me. On nights like this, when he's not around, I start to wonder if he meant it. 

    My eyes water as I reach for the lamp switch, and drape our bedroom in darkness while the tears inevitably run down my cheeks. I wished he was here, that he kept his promise. Before long, the heartbreak became exhausting, and I doze off to sleep...

    ...In what seems like only a few minutes, the lamp on the other side of the bed turns on, the soft click and muted light it radiates waking me up. I semi-consciously peep at my alarm clock; 3 a.m. I feel another presence crawl their way under the sheets, and a pair of arms finding their way around me. I turn to face Damon, his sleepy eyes and half-grin waiting to meet me. 

      "Did I wake you? I'm sorry, love." He murmured. 

       I rolled my eyes. "Did you eat?" I mumbled, impatiently. 

      "Yeah...the lads and I had-" 

      "I waited for you." I said, cutting him off. "I cooked for you, and it got cold. I stayed up waiting for you to get home." 

      His eyes widened. "Love, I'm so sorry. We just got busy and lost track of time." 

      His arms tightened around me, pulling me in closer. Another tear started in my eye, and escaped down my cheek. Damon noticed, wiping it away. 

      "Love, I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered gently, running his thumb over my cheek, a sympathetic look in his tired eyes. 

      "It's just... this isn't the first time you've promised to be back at a certain time, promised to spend time with me, and then leaving me by myself for hours on end." I said, at which point the tears were inevitable. "I know you're getting busier because the band's getting bigger and I'm so happy and I'm so proud of you, I just wish..." I sniffled. 

       "What?" He whispered, a look of concern draped on his face. 

       "I just wish I felt like a priority to you, that's all." I murmured. 

        His eyes grew bigger, and his arms pulled me close and tight to him. My tears became a stream, and my breathing heavy as he held me close and pressed his soft lips against my forehead. 

        "Shhh..." He hushed me, trying to calm me down, his eyes meeting mine. "Listen to me, I never meant to make you feel like you aren't a priority. You're my first priority, and I'm so sorry I ever made you feel less than that." 

       I sniffled once more, draped my arms around his shoulders, allowing my fingers to run through his hair. He smiled and kissed me gently, before pulling away. 

      "I have a day off tomorrow. We'll do whatever you want, love. I only want to see you happy, ok? No more tears." 

       I grinned and nodded. "I love you." I said. 

       "I love you much." He replied, kissing me once more, and for the first time in a while, I believed he meant it. x

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