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It had been a week since my unending headache had occured and somehow I feel better now.

The doctor had recommended that I could go home today as my condition was already stable.

He had prescribed me a medicine that would help me in easing out the headache once it would reoccur.

"Lisa." I looked up seeing Rosie had just entered. "You ready to go."

"Yea." I then walked towards her as we proceeded to the door. While waiting for the elevator. I decided to ask Rosie for the update with regards to the cancellation of matters that I had asked her to do.

"Did everything go well with what I have asked for?"

"Yes. Mostly that is." I quirked an eye at her signalling to continue. "Well it seems that I cannot get a hold of Ms. Kim the one in charge of making the dress."

Recalling who that was. "Let me handle it. I'll personally go to her shop then."

"I could do that for you. Besides you need to rest. You just got discharged." She argued.

"It's okay. It is not that hard of a matter anyway. Besides it is not a heavy workload, I am sure I can handle it."

"If you say so." She said as we arrived in the lobby. "I instructed Mr. Lee already to take you home. I apologize that I needed to go first to finish and attend some of the pending meetings." I waved my hand at her as if it's nothing.

"Thanks for doing this on my behalf Rosie." I sincerely said to her.

"That is what friends are for, right?" She playfully said as she patted my shoulder. She then walked towards her car leaving me behind.

Shortly after, Mr. Lee had just arrived.

While looking at the window, I was deep in thought that I did not notice that we were held in a traffic.

"What's keeping the cars Mr. Lee?" I asked my driver.

"It seems that there was a collision up ahead. I am sorry miss this might take long.." I sighed knowing I have no control to such events anyways.

As I leaned back to my seat, I turned to my right side. It was then I realized that what I was looking at was the shop where I asked for the dress to be made.

"Mr. Lee I'll just get off here. I just realize I had something to do here." Without waiting for his response I went out making sure that I have my phone with me in case I needed to contact Mr. Lee once again.

I glanced at the window of the shop to check whether the cat eyed beauty was inside. And indeed she was.

Taking a deep breathe, I decided to push through the door and step inside. I saw that she was somehow bisy and immersed in talking to one of her staffs I assumed.

Looking at her is not a difficult sight to see.

I guess she won't glance up anytime now.

That was then I decided to make my presence known by clearing my throat.

She glanced up and surprise eas evident on her eyes. "Miss Manoban."


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