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The next day, I went to the hospital alone without Jisoo's knowledge. A little glance, just one look to see that Lisa is okay, that is all I need, the assurance that would keep me calm.

However, as I reached her room, no one was their anymore. I was in panic and immediately asked the nurses around where was the patiemt confined last night but neither of them answered and even avoided me. Some who did told me a lie that I must have mistaken that the room was and never had a patient since last week.

I left the hospital in misery and then it sinked it that they took her away. I could not see her anymore.

Days and even weeks have passed still I was grieving. I got to Jisoo's home drunk and insatiable. I was not in my best condition. Was this the Karma that I will be facing in the next years to come? The agony? The longing of someone? My consequence for cheating on someone who only did nothing but love me in all honesty.

"Jennie! What are you doing?! It is almost past 8 in the morning." I groaned upon hearing Chu's scolding tone. "Get up Jen! I have been tolerating your ass in the past two weeks. If you continue doing this nonsense to yourself, you will not only lose her but even lose the job that is keeping you from movin in the upcoming days."

I sat up and mumbled "It might be better like that. Maybe I'll die out of my misery without money." It was then that I felt a heavy slap across my face. As I saw tears flowing down my bestfriend's eyes. "Chu."

"I am not hearing anymore of this bullshit from you Jen! Moping around in the last two weeks and allowing yourself to drown in guilt is enough! I have been nothing but a supporting friend to you. However, talking about your death because of a situation you had put yourself into that I won't tolerate. If you really want to show to her that you have regretted what you had done then fucking fix yourself up. Stop dragging yourself down that way when she decided to show up you could show to her that you have changed."

It was then that she slammed the door at me. I exhaled knowing I really did made her mad beyond reach.

I freshened up before going out seeing Jisoo in the kitchen. I decided to approach her and encircle my arms around her waist. "I am sorry Chu. I... did not know what came over me... saying such things."

It was then I felt her turn around to face me and cupped myself before saying. "You know you are important to me Jen. And hearing you say things such as death hurts me the most. Never ever do that again okay?" She asked to which I nodded. "I promise unnie." We hug each other for awhile before letting each other go as we had to prepare ourselves before going to work. We then part ways going work.

Starting from now on I will fix myself, a better version of myself.

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