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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


His room was cozy. The room, Namjoon had walked in when he gotten to the door, was homey to say the least. He left his stuff by the door, which was now closed and locked, and started to walk around.

The place was beautiful, the room was big, he had gotten a corner room where the windows curved and it gave him a stunning view. He smiles at the view. He couldn't believe he was here in Egypt. He let out a small sigh and ran his hand through his hair when going back to get his luggage.

For the next few hours, Namjoon was putting away his stuff and rest since he was kinda getting jet lagged from the flight. He lays in bed with his eyes closed.

The room went very quiet. Nothing made a sound as Namjoon naps. Someone unlocks the front door of the hotel room. They walk over to the bed and hovers over him. They starts to run their hand through Namjoon's hair.

"My son."


"I grew a flower that can't be bloom, in a dream that can't come true." A voice softly sings to Namjoon.

Namjoon standing in a hallway, he noticed Jungkook across the hallway running towards him. Arms stretched out and when their hands touched, everything faded.

He looks around the dark. He noticed a light and walks towards it. The light shows that he was in a abandoned warehouse. He noticed a mirror and looks at himself.

He placed his hand on it while his reflection did the same. He walks through.

"My son, my eldest son."


Namjoon wakes up when he heard that. He shot up from the bed and looks around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary and shakes his head. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Why, do I feel like I should know that voice?" He said to himself as he starts to think. He grew a small headache and rubs his temple. He gets out of bed and noticed the hotel room door was open. He raised an eyebrow and walks over. He looks out into the hallway and looks both ways.

He didn't noticed anybody.

He stands up straight before closing the door. "That was weird. I know for sure, I closed the door before taking a nap." He said to himself before shaking his head. He check the time and noticed that it was night. He sighs.

"I better get to bed, this is going to be a long, 'vacation'." Namjoon said to himself before getting ready to go back to bed.

Once, in his pajamas, which was a TaTa PJs. He soon went back to sleep.


"You are the cause of my euphoria." A different song came up.

Namjoon couldn't help but smile for this one. He always like this song because his members are always the one that make him happy.

"You've shown me that I have reasons, I should love myself."

Namjoon froze. He always had problems of accepting himself but when they sang this song, he couldn't help but feel happy. ARMY, gave them reasons to continue. They were the ones that show him that he should accept himself and shouldn't care what others says and only listens to himself.

He smiles at that.

"Even the scars
that were
Formed from
My mistakes are
My very own


𝔇𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔶𝔰𝔲𝔰 ❦ BTS FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ