Finally Found

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It was ages before Malik came back, and he looked cold, bothered and devastated.

My worry was growing; Malik hadn't found Bakura yet. He hadn't even answered his phone, and Bakura always answered his phone. He said that he was really annoyed when people didn't answer their phones straight away, so he always answered his phone quickly. Unless it was Marik; Bakura loved to annoy him. 

I sighed and stared at the wall. The room was practically filled to the brim with tension, even from Malik, who usually kept his cool at times like this. But I could tell that something was bothering him; something he didn't want to share. 

I wasn't one to press, but it looked serious. Before I could actually confront him about it, Marik did it instead. I sat in silence and unintentionally eavesdropped.

"Malik..." He murmured, shuffling closer to him, "You don't look good..."

"I'm not," Malik seemed slightly depressed.

"Why...?" Marik's usual over-joyed tone was hushed down to complete concern. It was strange, seeing him like this. 

I didn't quite catch what he said, but I could tell that he whispered it. I could also tell that it was something serious, as Marik gave a loud gasp. I instantly spun my head round and saw that the two were getting up and putting their coats on.

"Ryou, stay here, okay?" Marik warned.

"Alright...going out for another search?"

"Yeah," Malik answered, a little bit too quickly. I thought nothing of it, though.

The two were gone sooner than I anticipated. For some strange reason, I just wanted them to stay. I just wanted them to be here, because I didn't like being alone when I had the thought in my mind that Bakura had just up and left without another word. It hurt my heart more than my head for that to be what happened. 

I shuddered slightly, adjusting my position on the couch and staring blankly into space. Nothing was going right, nothing at all. I missed Bakura so much, I just wanted to tell him how I felt. 

I felt so stupid for not giving him a proper answer. I felt so damn ignorant for letting him up and leave. I felt like a wave of regret had just crashed over me, leaving me lying helpless on the sandy banks of the sea. And just like the wave, I cried. I thought I had no reason to cry - Marik and Malik would probably bring Bakura back safe.

But then I realised that I had all the reason to cry. 

Bakura was potentially gone, and he was probably one of the first friends I ever made. He would probably be only person I would feel all of this sudden emotion for. When you lose a friend, you worry about them and slowly get over it after a couple of hours, maybe more if it was a best friend. 

So far it had been more than a few hours and more, and yet all of my worry and doubts were growing larger. It was hurting my head. But I didn't stop crying. I let all of my tears pour out of my body as I took large and shaky breaths, hardly able to contain myself. 

I felt a little ashamed, using my sleeve to wipe my tears, but it was really no use to feel ashamed. All of these tears and feelings just kept pouring out of me, overcoming that feeling of shame. I was a wreck, and if anybody saw me now I wouldn't be surprised if they started to get my depressed vibe from what was happening to me. 

I tried to calm my self by doing something little. Maybe finding a book to read...but then I realised that this was Marik and Malik's house - they wouldn't probably have my type of books here. My tears were eventually stopping, and I felt a little bit better. Pouring all of your emotions out into one messy blob really did seem to help. 

Sniffing a little, I stood up and took a deep breath. My knees felt weak and my head was pounding from the confusion and the tears I had just spilled; and Marik and Malik had only gone out around five minutes ago. I had to contain myself, I had to stop being like a wimp. After all, they were ones out searching, and yet I was still here, moping in my own regrets. 

I turned and made my way to the kitchen, hoping Marik kept his medicines in there instead of in the bathroom. I honestly couldn't be bothered going into his bathroom - the kitchen was closer. Luckily for me, he did keep some medicines in the kitchen.

I eventually found the paracetamol, which would help with my headache. I had seen people throw their heads back when trying to take them, and hoenstly...they looked like idiots. I felt lucky that I was able to just swig it down with a glass of water. 

I knew that it would take some time before my headache started to wear down, so until then I was left completely dumbstruck at what to do. I contemplated that book idea again, maybe Marik did have something that I could read. 

I didn't have to do very much looking. I found a book to my liking in no time, and was quite surprised to see that it was lying on the coffee table, wide open. I didn't think much of it and picked it up, reading the blurb before nodding to myself and sitting down where I had previously cried, beginning to read. 

The book was quite fascinating. It was a silly little thing about a fantasy in medieval times, but I loved it nonetheless, despite only getting in around fifty pages in before the door burst open. I quickly put the book down and got up, wondering what was going on.

Before I had a chance to react, I was quickly engulfed in a very cold and shivering embrace. I fell down to the floor with a loud thump, my heart pounding in my chest and my eyes wide. I wasn't let go, even when I started to get scared, the embrace just held me tighter.

And then I saw the white strands of hair.

My eyes watered and I instantly hugged back, snuggling into the embrace as my tears started to pour again. It was like I opened a gate and water just kept pouring out.

"Ryou...I'm so sorry...Oh God, Ryou...!" 

I sniffed, "Bakura..." I mumbled between tears.

He pulled away slightly to look at me, "I shouldn't have left...I didn't think I would be gone for this long..."

I shushed him by placing a hand on his cheek and smiling a little, still crying. I slowly leaned in and kissed him gently, pulling back and resting my forehead on his.

"I know what I want with my life...I found the purpose..." Bakura took a deep breath, "I really want to stay...for you. I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too."


A feel trip of a life time, I know. I honestly didn't expect to actually write this...but ya know, why the fudge not? x3

--- Kura-chan ---

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