Missing. Answer?

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I was so confused. I didn't know what to think, or what to do. I knew I had to give Bakura an answer - but I just couldn't do it on the night he kissed me. I didn't know, nor understand, what I should do. He left the house after that, and it's been a while since then. I have a feeling he went to Marik and Malik's, and I was probably right.

Speaking of them, I also have a feeling that they were the ones that brought Bakura to lie like that. He was devious himself, but he would never lie as much as he did. All I could do was say I wasn't angry and I'll think about his feelings. It was all I could think of now.

I was sitting beside the window, looking outside at the precious snow that had begun to fall down endlessly. It looked like I wasn't going to get Bakura back any time soon, it was already an endless flurry, not like the one a couple of days ago. It was starting to actually look like a small snow storm. I smiled a little bit and drew circles on the window. The fog was clouding up quickly, making it easier to see the circles.

I let out a yawn and looked at the clock. Had I really been sitting here for a couple of hours, staring out of this window and waiting for Bakura to come back...? What does that mean...?

I knew I had made the wrong choice saying that I would think about it. It probably meant to Bakura that I wasn't interested, and now our friendship was ruined because of it. That wasn't it at all...but if it wasn't it, does that mean...?

I groaned and hit my head lightly against the window. This was harder than I thought, and the stress started to take its toll on me. I decided I would probably need to listen to something relaxing or take a bath to calm down, but to be honest, I couldn't be bothered. I didn't want to be bothered. I wanted to know my feelings, I wanted to know what I already knew, but I wasn't telling myself anything.

If I knew any better, I would have probably already been at their house, telling Bakura my answer. But I didn't - and that was the most horrible feeling in the world.

I let out a deep sigh before finally getting up and putting my coat on. I had to do it. I had to go to Marik and Malik's - even if I didn't know my answer at the moment, I would know when I got there. When I saw Bakura again...I knew that I would just come out with whatever I felt.

I buttoned up the winter coat and carefully put on the boots. My heart was ramming so fast against my chest that I felt it would pop out at any moment, but I had to stay calm. I think I already knew what I wanted, and I hadn't even gone outside yet.

Opening the door was like being met with an icy blizzard, but I didn't stop to retreat back inside. I walked out the door and closed it behind me, making sure it was loicked before continung my journey.

The cold whipped past my face, lashing at me. I wished my hood covered most of my face, but it didn't, and I was exposed to the harsh cold. It wasn't as if I was complaining, the cold did actually seem quite nice. It just wasn't good to feel it whipping your cheeks every second.

I shivered, hugging my arms. I should have thought this through. The streets were practically empty because of this snow storm, and my confidence was slowly dropping. It was almost impossible to walk - not because of the snow, but because of the wind. It was cold, wet and now it was getting dark. Today was not my lucky day.

I squinted my eyes and could just see Marik's house in the distance. Finally...I could go to Bakura, I could tell him how I felt...I could tell him everything. I had figured out the words that were caught in my mind earlier that day - I knew what I was going to say to him. Three words.

I knocked on Marik's door three times. He didn't answer, nor did Malik, or Bakura. Was my judgement wrong? Were they not at home?

My cell phone went. I forgot I even had it with me. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller; Marik.

I quickly answered it, my voice chattering, "Hello?"

"Ryou!" He almost screamed down the phone, "Is Bakura at home with you?!"

"N-no...I came to your house to look for him..." I murmured, my eyes suddenly going wide.

"You're at my house?! Crap, Ryou we're coming down just now! Malik's driving! We'll be five minutes, okay?"

"...Okay..." Marik hung up, and I put the phone back in my pocket. I stuffed my hands in the pockets, too.

It was still freezing. It seemed like forever before Marik finally showed up, and I was really glad to see him. He immediately got out of the car and ran to the door, opening it with the key in his pocket and rushing me inside. Malik was following closely behind.

He made me take off my jacket and he forced me in front of the fire. Marik then placed a blanket over me and started on making some tea, meanwhile Malik actually turned the fire on. 

I smiled and nodded a thank you to Malik.

"I'm going to look for him again," Malik then proclaimed. 

Marik walked in and nodded, "Yeah, please..."

Without another word, I watched Malik leave the house again. I felt sorry for him - I saw how tired Malik looked and when Marik handed me my tea, he looked stressed and tired. I frowned slightly.

"How long...has he been gone for...?" I managed to mutter, despite how cold I still felt.

"...If he's been gone for as long as I think he has..." Marik sighed, sitting down on the couch, "That would be around five hours."

My eyes went wide. "F-five...hours...?"

"Yes, and he said he was going home, too. I knew I should have let Malik accompany him..."

"It's not your fault," I reassured him, "I should have answered him sooner...I know he must have told you...right?"

"Yeah...he told us everything..." Marik looked at me with a stern expression, "I know you were going to answer him soon, but...he was really worried that he'd ruined your friendship with him, Ryou."

I sighed and nodded, "I know..." I stared into the mug that held the tea. I was becoming warm, and the tea was becoming cold, "...I know what I want to say to him now..."

"And what is that?" Marik sat properly, looking at me.

"...I want to say...three words..."

And without another thought, Marik knew what I meant. 

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